Understand Ledger Transfer Profiles

Understand Ledger Transfer Profiles

The Ledger Item Editor allows you to view, create, and edit ledger transfer profiles. Ledger transfer profiles identify the accounts to close out for the year end process and identify the target accounts into which to roll the balances.

Many Eagle clients do not need to make any changes to the ledger transfer profiles because they use the core default approach to processing the year end.

Understand the Year End Closeout Process

In the Ledger Item Editor workspace, you can maintain ledger transfer profiles. Eagle's accounting solution uses ledger transfer profiles during the year end closeout process. The year end close out process moves ledger balances from Income, Capital, and Expense accounts to an Accumulated Earnings account, setting these general ledger account balances to zero for the start of the next fiscal year.

Understand the Ledger Transfer Profile

Eagle Accounting provides a ledger transfer profile by default when you install Eagle's accounting solution. However, the accounts designated for the year end closeout process are customizable. You can choose any accounts to close out for the year end process. Likewise, you also can choose the target account into which to roll the balances.

Ledger Item Editor - Core Transfers View

The ledger transfer profile is comprised of the following criteria:

  • Transfer Category. Represents the STAR Default category, a custom closeout profile, or a regulatory category, for Eagle Accounting clients that use IFRS. This allows you to customize separate regulatory categories to close out different ranges of accounts into various year end accounts.

  • Target Account. The target account is the account that retains the year end closed out ledger balances. The year end closeout process moves the ledger balances from the source accounts to the target account that retains the year end closed out balances.

  • Offset Account. The offset account is a memo account for the contra postings to the target account. The offset account of 9999999999 is a memo account used in the ledger posting process to move the balances from the transfer account to the target accounts.

  • Source Accounts. The source accounts comprise one or more individual accounts or ranges of accounts that roll up to the target account. These are the general ledger accounts that the system zeros out for the start of the next fiscal year. Each source range includes Start Account and End Account criteria.

For a given transfer category, you can define multiple target accounts and corresponding offset accounts. You can associate one or more source ranges with each Transfer Category/Target Account/Offset Account grouping.

For example, in the previous figure, you use the left grid to select the row for the STAR Default transfer category that rolls up to target account 3003000100, Accumulated undistributed income(loss). The offset account is 9999999999, Currency contra account. When you select the row for this Transfer Category/Target Account/Offset Account grouping, you see the corresponding source accounts in the right grid. As a result, when you process a year end closeout, the system rolls up the ledger balances for these source accounts and moves the ledger balances to the target account 3003000100, Accumulated undistributed income(loss).

Understanding the Hierarchy of Year End Closeout

Eagle Accounting provides default STAR and regulatory category transfer profiles. When an entity or accounting basis does not use a regulatory category or have a custom transfer profile linked to it, the STAR engine uses a default STAR transfer profile when processing year-end closeout entries. When an entity or accounting basis uses a Regulatory Category (tag 12387), the STAR engine uses the transfer profile associated with the regulatory category that is assigned to the accounting basis when processing year-end closeout entries. When you want to create a custom transfer profile and apply it to your entity, the engine uses that custom transfer profile. Custom profiles always take priority in the STAR engine over the regulatory category and default STAR transfer profiles.

About IFRS and the Year End Closeout Process

For Eagle Accounting clients that use IFRS, the year end closeout process can reflect the regulatory categories used. When you assign a Regulatory Category (tag 12387) to an entity/accounting basis, you determine which year end closeout process the system uses. When processing year-end closeout entries, the ledger transfer profile uses the Regulatory Category value on the accounting basis to determine the correct closeout rules. The Ledger Item Editor allows for different postings, depending on the accounting basis and any associated regulatory category.

About Custom Transfer Profiles

For Eagle Accounting clients who want to customize their closeout process beyond the default STAR and regulatory category transfer profiles provided in the software, there is a custom override profile option added that gives clients the option of building their own custom profiles. You are able to assign your custom profile to your entity or accounting basis to override any regulatory or default closeout rules already assigned, using the Ledger Closeout Override Profile field (tag18570). Before you override the profile, you need to build a custom profile. For more information, see Manage Custom Profiles.