Purge and Archive FAQs

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 How do I set Purge and Archive parameters?

The Purge and Archive parameters can be set in the W_PA_SETTINGS variable in /eagle_ml-2-0_custom_cm/w_config_custom.inc file OR in the PurgeArchiveParams taskParameter node of the initial Control Message.

The PurgeArchiveParams taskParameter node may be missed or empty in control message. In this case, Purge and Archive parameters will be taken from the W_PA_SETTINGS variable in the /eagle_ml-2-0_custom_cm/w_config_custom.inc file. This also means that the value of the PurgeArchiveParams taskParameter has higher priority than the W_PA_SETTINGS variable value.

 How do I set the Purge and Archive mode?

The Purge and Archive mode can be set in the W_PA_MODE variable in /eagle_ml-2-0_custom_cm/w_config_custom.inc file OR in the PurgeArchiveMode taskParameter node in the initial Control Message.

The PurgeArchiveMode taskParameter node may be missed or empty in CM. In this case the mode setting for Purge and Archive will be taken from the W_PA_MODE variable in the /eagle_ml-2-0_custom_cm/w_config_custom.inc file. This also means that the value of the PurgeArchiveMode taskParameter has higher priority than the W_PA_MODE variable value.

 Can I send an empty initial control message?

Yes. In this case, the Purge and Archive parameters will be read from the W_PA_SETTINGS variable in the /eagle_ml-2-0_custom_cm/w_config_custom.inc file. If the initial CM and W_PA_SETTINGS variable do not contain Purge and Archive parameters then this functionality will be disabled. But, if at the same time the eagle_ml-2-0_custom_cm/w_config_custom.inc file contains old W_CONFIG_FTP_*parameters then the older version of Purge and Archive will be activated.

 How can I group parameters?

You can group a lot of commands by the pipe ‘|’ delimiter.

For example, in the w_config_custom.inc file:

<COL TAG="W_PA_SETTINGS"EXPRESSION="'FTP;FOLDER;/CMW/inbound_tst;*;PURGRE;;;0|FILE;FOLDER;cmw/reply;*.xml;PURGE;;;48|'"/>
 Or in the CM:
 What is the name of archive files?

If you set [clean_type]=ARCHIVE and [is_need_compress]=Y then the archive file will be generated only if there are files to process (so if no files have been selected, the archive file will not be created).

The archive filename will be generated according to the following model:

Replace([path_to_process],’/’,’_’)+’__’+Convert( Today(), 'yyyymmdd' ) +'_' +Convert( CurrentTime(), 'hhmmss' ) + iif(GetPlatform() = 'WIN','.zip','.gz').

For example, in the CMW/outbound folder on a Unix OS box:


For example, in the cfs_flow_control/outgoing folder on a Windows OS box:


For example in all processing folders when [clean_option]=ALLMCSTREAMFOLDERS on a Unix OS box. several archive files will be created for each “processing” stream folder:




 What if the archive folder doesn’t exist?

If the archive folder defined in the [archive_folder] parameter doesn’t exist, it will be created.

 How do I use backward compatibility with the older version of Purge and Archive?

If the server rules support the older version of Purge and Archive, then to run it the W_PA_SETTINGS variable should be removed (or empty value set to this variable) and then the CM of older version run.

 Are there any restricted symbols that would cause Purge and Archive to fail?

Yes. It is important to make sure that the [path_to_process] does not contain control characters such as “@”, “$”, “#”, “‘”. In this case the path will be ignored. For paths containing “!” an error will be generated.