Purge and Archive Logging

Purge and Archive Logging

There are two options to configure logging for Purge and Archive. 

1. Enable/disable logging. Y - logging enabled (default) or N - logging disabled
These parameters are available in January 2017 EagleML release or newer

  • If you want to set this value for all processes in the environment, you should add it as a global parameter W_PA_SETTINGS_LOGGING_ENABLED in the /eagle_ml-2-0_custom_cm/w_config_custom.inc file. For example:

  • If you want to turn on/off logging only for a single task run or for a limited number of runs, please use loggingEnabled task parameter in the RunTaskRequest:

    <taskParameter>      <name>loggingEnabled</name>      <dataType>S</dataType>      <value>N</value> </taskParameter>

Please note, that the RTR parameter (if specified) has a higher priority and will override the value in w_config_custom.inc 

For example, if global value is set to “Y” but you send an RTR with task parameter set to “N”, logging will be disabled for this particular run, but other processes will still have it enabled.

2. To set a custom log path for Purge and Archive, add W_PA_SETTINGS_LOG_FILE_PATH parameter to eagle_ml-2-0_custom_cm/w_config_custom.inc with a custom file path. The variable sets the log file path. Each iteration of purge and archive execution will be added at the end of this file. If the file does not exist, it will be created during the first Purge and Archive run.

Default value:

<COL TAG="W_PA_SETTINGS_LOG_FILE_PATH" EXPRESSION="GetDirRoot()+ 'logs/msgcenter/purgeandarchive/pa_log.log'"/>