Nuggetizer Issue Identification

There are 3 possible behaviors which can prevent the normal processing of the Eagle Default Nuggetizer workflow.

These behaviors include:

Scenario 1: Eagle Default Nuggetizer Schedule ('eagle_nuggetizer_run_schedule') is Disabled

How to identify:

  • There has been no executions of ‘eagle_default_nuggetizer’workflow more than for 10 minutes


  • ‘eagle_nuggetizer_run_schedule’ has Disabled flag. This can be checked in Automation Center in ‘Schedule’ section (Figure 1: Nuggetizer Issue Identification).   

      Figure 1: Nuggetizer Issue Identification - eagle_nuggetizer_run_schedule disabled 

Scenario 2: Eagle Default Nuggetizer Schedule ('eagle_nuggetizer_run_schedule') is Hung

How to identify:

  • There has been no executions of ‘eagle_default_nuggetizer’workflow more than for 10 minutes


  • ‘eagle_nuggetizer_run_schedule’ has an ‘In Progress’ status for more than 5 minutes in Automation Center monitor (Figure 2: Nuggetizer Issue Identification).  The ‘In Progress’ status indicator is 2 green counterclockwise arrows.   


The Nuggetizer Schedule just runs the ‘eagle_default_nuggetizer’ stream, so it should completed quickly, that’s why we say it should not be In Progress for more than 5 minutes or so.

  Figure 2: Nuggetizer Issue Identification - eagle_nuggetizer_run_schedule shown with  ‘In Progress’ status

Scenario 3: Eagle Default Nuggetizer Workflow is Hung

How to identify:

  • There are more the 1 executed and hung instances of ‘eagle_default_nuggetizer’ workflow. This can be checked in EJM Tasks in Message Center Console tool or in Automation Center in the ‘Monitor’ section. You can tell this is an issue by seeing more than 1 entry of this workflow with a green ½ arrow (Figure 3.1: Nuggetizer Issue Identification)

    Figure 3.1: Nuggetizer Issue Identification - eagle_default_nuggetizer_hung


  •   All 'eagle_nuggetizer_run_schedule' successfully completed. This can be checked in Automation Center monitor (Figure 3.2: Nuggetizer Issue Identification)

    Figure 3.2: Nuggetizer Issue Identification - eagle_nuggetizer_run_schedule completed