Convert Product Groups to Center Roles

In User Administration Setup, if you are upgrading to Eagle's new UI, you can convert permissions for Eagle Classic panels and links to the same level of access in the appropriate Eagle centers which are accessible via the new UI.

To convert product groups to Eagle center roles:

  1. In User Administration, click Setup and then click Product Group Conversion.
  2. In the Select Product Group dialog box, click to check the appropriate product group. To select or deselect all groups, click the Check All or Uncheck All option, respectively. To uncheck the currently selected groups and check all currently unselected groups, click Reverse. Click Next.
  3. In the Center Roles Permissions Preview dialog box, preview the conversion of the product group to the corresponding Eagle center roles. Click Next if you are ready to start the conversion.
  4. In the Confirmation dialog box, click Yes to start the conversion or click No to cancel the conversion.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: If you click Yes to proceed with the conversion, all previously migrated menu/panel permissions will be overwritten.
  5. In the Finish Page dialog box, review the conversion status information.

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