Select User Options

Select User Options

In User Administration, when you create a new user, you can select various options based on the requirements of your business.

Account Options

The following options are available in the Account dialog box:

  • User ID. Allows you to assign a unique name that will be used to login to the Eagle product suite. This option is required.
  • Full Name. Allows you to specify the user's full name. This option is required.
  • Description. Allows you to add details about the user.
  • Company. Allows you to enter your company name.
  • Email. Allows you to add the user's email.
  • Hide Access to Eagle Gateway. Allows you to block user access to the Eagle Gateway.
  • Account Expires on. Allows you to set the account expiration date via a calendar or day count.
  • MicroStrategy Create User. Allows you to create a unique MicroStrategy user.
  • Concurrent Logins. Allows you to grant unlimited logins, if needed. Specifies how many multiple sessions of the system (logins) a user can run at the same time
  • Account Disabled. Allows you to enable/disable the user account.
  • Account Locked. Allows you to lock/unlock the user account.

Authentication Options

The following options are available in the Authentication dialog box:

  • LDAP User. Allows you to identify an LDAP user.
  • LDAP Server and LDAP Domain. Allows you to specify the LDAP server and domain.
  • Change password in the next login. Allows you to prompt the user to change the password at login. You can also use this option when an Administrator user has to change the user's password.
  • New Password/Confirm Password. Allows you to enter and confirm a password. This option is required.
  • Password never expires. Allows you to keep the same password for the account.
  • Password expires every # of days. Allows you to specify the number of days between password changes.
  • Password expiry setting of the Website. Allows you to set password expiration to coincide with the global option set in the Web Site Settings dialog box.

Functional Access Options

The following options are available in the Account Type, Application Role, Centers, and Roles tabs of the Functional Access dialog box.

User Account Type

The following options are available in the Account Type tab:

  • User. Allows you to assign access permissions to view and limited system access. Does not have permissions to launch the User Administration module.
  • Operator. Allows you to block access to the User Administration module. Does not have permissions to launch User Administration.
  • Advanced User. Allows you to assign access permissions to create users, roles, groups, and define access rights and privileges only in specific areas of the Eagle product suite. Allows you to select from the User Administration roles.
  • System Administrator. Allows you to assign access permissions to System Administrators who have full access to all security settings for the entire Eagle product suite.

Application Role Options

The Application Role tab contains the Application Role options that allow you to assign an application role for the user. This option is required. You can use the refresh button next to the drop down to view recently added application roles.

Centers Options

The Centers tab allows you to assign roles and user permissions for Eagle centers, as shown in the following diagram.

Roles Options

The following options are available in the Roles tab:

  • Specify the current user's Role(s). Allows you to select a PACE role for the user. This option is required.
  • Reverse. Allows you to reverse the current selection of the roles. For example, if you clicked to check a specific role and then clicked Reverse, your selection is cleared and all the other check boxes that were not previously checked are selected.
  • Override Permissions in the User's Roles. Allows you to redefine or customize role permissions in the Override User Permissions dialog box.
  • Uncheck All. Allows you deselect all PACE roles.
  • Check All. Allows you select all PACE roles.

Data Access Options

The Data Access dialog box contains Business Group options that allow you to select a business group for the user. This option is required. You can use the refresh button next to the drop down to view recently added business groups.

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