Assign a User Administration Role to Advanced Users

Assign a User Administration Role to Advanced Users

To assign a user administration role to advanced users:

  1. In User Administration, click Users in the left navigation.
    You see a list of all the available users.
  2. To quickly find a user, click the Find button.
  3. Double click the user to whom you wish to assign a user administration role.
  4. For the selected user, click the Functional Access tab, and if this user is an Advanced user, click the User Administrative Role drop down and select the appropriate user administration role. You can review the characteristics of the selected role by clicking View Role Details.
  5. Click Save Changes to save the changes you made to the selected user.
  6. Click the User Administration Roles bottom tab to return to the User Administration Roles workspace.
  7. In the User Administration Roles workspace, click to select a role to which you linked a user. Click the Linked Users tab to verify that the user is now linked to this role.

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