Command «servers»
Command «servers»
This command is used to start, stop, or restart specified servers. Also to get servers status.
Here is command syntax:
cmdmgr.exe servers [instance=web_instance]<emshell|starweb|starengine|paceserver> <start|stop|restart|status>[service list] [get_pstack=1]
Command parameters:
instance – web instance for shared installation. Not required even in shared installation;
emshell, staweb... – eagle component;
start, stop... – action to execute;
service list – comma separated name or ports(for PACE);
get_pstack – retrieves processes stack before stopping or restarting.
Servers Command Example 1
cmdmgr.exe servers emshell start
Servers Command Example 2
cmdmgr.exe servers instance=sweb01 starweb status tpeserver,messagecenter
Servers Command Example 3
cmdmgr.exe servers paceserver start 40098