View Third Party Cash Flows and their Exceptions

In the Third Party Cash Flow workspace you can view Third Party cash flows and their exceptions.

  1. In the Reference Desk workspace, in the left navigation pane, click Third Party Cash Flow.
    You see the Third Party Cash Flow workspace.

  2. Click the View Data By drop-down and then select Cash Flows and their Exceptions.

  3. Complete the required search criteria and click the Search button.
    NOTE: You must filter by Gold Copy Source and your choice of As of Date or Process Date. You can optionally filter by Primary Asset ID, Data Strategy, Release Status, Cash Flow Type and Speed Type.
    Cash Flow Type is provided by the vendor and stores the prepayment model used to create the cash flow. Values include:
    • ABS - Absolute Prepayment Speed
    • CPR - Constant Prepayment Rate
    • FMED - FFIEC Median
    • MHP - Manufactured Housing Prepayment Curve
    • PSA - Public Securities Association Convention
    • TRAIN - Trains

  4. From the list that displays, double click the cash flow you wish to view.
    You see the Edit Security window with the Third Party Cash Flows tab as the default.  The Third Party Cash Flows tab display the Effective Date, Source, Cash Flow Type, Speed Type, Speed Value and Original Face. 

  5. Click Cancel to close the Edit tab and return to the Reference Desk workspace.

Speed Type

Speed Type is provided by the vendor and stores the speed type used to calculate the principal and interest cash flows. Values include:

1 month

3 month

6 month

12 month


BMA Median

BMA Median + 300

BMA Median – 300

FIEC Median

FMED + 100

FMED + 200

FMED + 300

FMED – 100

FMED - 200

FMED – 300
