Override Value Options

The table below describes the options in the Override Value window.





Current Value

Displays the current value of the field in the Override Value column.

New Value

Allows you to specify a new value for the field.

Edit Type

Indicates the type of override: Default, Override, or Temporary Override. Default is an override value used to populate a field in the gold copy security record if no data exists for the default source or vendor source defined in the source rule. Override is an override value used to populate a field in the gold copy security record regardless of whether or not the vendor source value exists. Temporary Override is an override value used to populate a field in the gold copy security record temporarily. That is, until the vendor source value is received.

Start Date

Allows you to specify a new start date.

Expire After

Allows you to specify a new expiration date.

Reason Code

 Allows you to specify a reason for the override.


 Allows you to enter comments.

Update Date

 Displays the update date.

Update User

 Displays the name of the user.


 Allows you to attach a file.