Manage Variable Rates

Manage Variable Rates

You can view and maintain variable rate data in the Variable Rates tab when editing or viewing security details. In addition to providing you with the ability to add and maintain variable rate data, RDC enables you to composite, enrich, and validate variable rates. You can create variable rates for both vendors and gold copies and can override variable rates when needed.

For more information about variable rates, see Understand Variable Rates for a Security.

View Variable Rates

You can view the variable rates for a security when you edit or view security details.

To view variable rates:

  1. In the Reference Desk workspace, in the left navigation pane, click Securities.
    You see the Securities workspace with all the available securities.

  2. In the Securities pane, search for and select a security row, and click Edit or View.
    You see the Edit Security workspace.

  3. Click the Variable Rates tab.

  4. You can click Details, the default view, to review the variable rate details for a specified date range and related exceptions. Or you can click History to view a list of variable rates for the security.

Add a Variable Rate

You can add variable rate information for a security when you edit security details.

To add a variable rate:

  1. Select the Variable Rates tab.
    In the tab’s Details section, you can review the security’s variable rate details for a specified date range and related exceptions.

  2. Click Add Security Data in the ribbon.
    You see the Add Variable Rates dialog.

  3. Enter the Effective Date for the variable rate.
    By default, you see the current date.

  4. In the Source Type list, select the source type for the variable rate.
    By default the Source Type defaults to Gold Copy, but you can create new vendor data by selecting Vendor, and then selecting the corresponding Source.

  5. In the Source field, specify the source for the variable rate.
    The Default value is available for a Source Type of Gold Copy. You can select a value when you set Source Type to Vendor.

  6. Under Variable Rates, enter the Variable Rate.

  7. Click Add.
    The system saves the record to the database.

Override a Variable Rate

You can edit variable rate data when you edit security details by using the override feature in RDC.

To override a variable rate:

  1. Select the Variable Rates tab.
    In the tab’s Details section, you can review the security’s variable rate details for a specified date range and related exceptions. A red square indicates a failed gold copy field. A blue arrow indicates an updated gold copy field.

  2. Select the variable rate you want to edit and click Override Value in the ribbon.
    You see the Override dialog, with the Current Value for the variable rate displayed.

  3. In the New Value field, enter the override value for the variable rate.

  4. In the Edit Type drop-down field, select one of the following options:
    –  Override. Default. The system uses the new value for the gold copy field.
    –  Default. The system uses the new value if no vendor data is received and the override date has not expired.
    –  Temporary Override. The system uses the new value until new vendor data is received. 

  5. In the Start Date field, specify the start date for the override.

  6. In the Expires After field, enter the expiration date of the override, or select the Do Not Expire Check box if you want the override to persist indefinitely.

  7. You can select a Reason code from the drop-down list, enter information about the override in the Comment field, and click Attach to add an attachment.
    You see the Update Date and Update User values for the update.

  8. Update the fields as needed, click Apply, and then click Save.
    The system saves the revised record to the database. The system updates the gold copy field and displays a blue arrow to the left of the field.

Delete a Variable Rate

You can delete security variable rate data manually in RDC.

To delete a variable rate:

  1. Select the Variable Rates tab.
    In the tab’s Details section, you can review the security’s variable rate details for a specified date range and related exceptions.

  2. Click History.
    You see Variable Rates History screen.

  3. Select the record you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete in the ribbon.
    You see the Delete dialog.

  5. Click Yes to delete the record.