About Pricing Type Field Attributes

About Pricing Type Field Attributes

Field attributes are an important component of pricing data strategies. They are used during the configuration of source rules, validation rules, and gold copy sources, each of which are then used in the configuration of pricing data strategies. Field attributes help describe the characteristics, or attributes, of a database field in a non-technical, user-friendly manner. They are a way to customize the name of a database field from which data is displayed.

In this section

As an example, you might create a field attribute with a name of Ask Price to represent the SECURITYDBO.PRICE_EXCHANGE.PX_ASK database field. If you were to setup a source rule, you would see the Ask Price name displayed as an option in the user interface and understand it represents Ask prices in the database, without having to know the specific underlying database field.

For system purposes, one or more field attributes may be created that reference the same field. In the image below, the Ask Price is associated with ID 6666 which is what you would select to use.

When working with field attributes, be sure to check the Show this Field option in order for the field to be displayed.

RDC Pricing requires you to have two types of field attributes setup in an environment. These are Vendor Price Type field attributes, and Gold Copy Price Type field attributes.

Vendor Price Type

The Vendor Price Type field attributes represent the types of prices you request from various vendors. For each vendor price type you plan to request, a field attribute needs to be created. For example, if you plan to request Ask, Bid, Mid, Open and Mean prices, you need to create a field attribute for each of those price types. They are created against the PRICE_EXCHANGE table in the SECURITY database as illustrated in the example below.

Gold Copy Price Type

The Gold Copy Price Type field attribute is the field that gold copy prices are composited to, once a Best of Breed price has been determined. They are created against the PRICE table in the SECURITY database.

This can be any field in the PRICE table, but is typically the SECURITY.PRICE.PRICE field for Eagle Accounting clients.