Product Guide Recent Information Excerpt

Product Guide Recent Information Excerpt

This page resides in the (hidden) _ConfluenceInclusion library page for the Product Guides space. A list of excerpts for re-use with product guides follows. Each excerpt links to the overview page for an Eagle space. You can add an Excerpt Include macro on the page that displays a product guide PDF, where you identify the space key, page name, and excerpt name. For example the Include Excerpt uses page “ProductGuide:Product Guide Recent Information Excerpt” and excerpt name is “Accounting Center”.

Accounting Center = Excerpt Name

For the most up to date information about the Eagle accounting solution, see Accounting V17

Automation Center = Excerpt Name (under Enterprise)

For the most up to date information about Eagle Automation Center, see Automation Center V17.

Eagle Portal = Excerpt Name (under Information Delivery)

For the most up to date information about Eagle Portal, see Eagle Portal V17.

Getting Started = Excerpt Name (for NXG; under Enterprise)

For the most up to date information about getting started with Eagle solutions, see Getting Started with Eagle V17.

Information Delivery = Excerpt Name (Portal admin, other than Eagle Portal)

For the most up to date information about Eagle information delivery, see Information Delivery V17.

Migration Wizard = Excerpt Name (under Enterprise)

For the most up to date information about Eagle Migration Wizard, see Migration Wizard V17.

Metadata Center = Excerpt Name (under Data Management)

For the most up to date information about Eagle Metadata Center, see Metadata Center V17

Performance Center = Excerpt Name

For the most up to date information about the Eagle performance measurement solution, see Performance V17

Portfolio Data Center = Excerpt Name

For the most up to date information about Eagle portfolio data, see Portfolio Data Center (PDC) V17

Reference Data Center = Excerpt Name; RDC Guides, SRM guides (under Data Management)

For the most up to date information about Eagle reference data, see Reference Data V17

Supported Generic Interfaces = Excerpt Name (under Data Management, Enterprise)

For the most up to date information about Eagle supported generic interfaces, see Supported Generic Interfaces V17.

System Management Center = Excerpt Name

For the most up to date information about Eagle system management, see System Management V17.

User Administration = Excerpt Name (under Enterprise)

For the most up to date information about Eagle user administration, see User Administration V17.