Submit Enrichment Rules
There are two ways to submit Enrichment rules: automatically within a scheduled workflow or manually from the Eagle Enrichment user interface (UI). This section describes the manual process.
To ensure the completeness of a fund's enriched data, all enabled Enrichment rules are automatically processed when any one submitted. You cannot submit specific rules and omit others.
To submit Enrichment rules:
In Portfolio Data Center, in the left navigation pane, click Portfolio Desk > Enrichment.
You see the Eagle Enrichment workspace.From the toolbar at top of the workspace, click Submit.
You see the Submit Enrichment Rules dialog box.In the Funds section, select one of the following options:
- All funds from enabled rules. When you select this option, the system automatically determines the list of funds to submit by looking at the entities included in all enabled rules.
- Specific funds. Select this option to run Enrichment only for a specific fund or funds. Click Add or Remove to specify the funds you want to enrich.In the Enrichment Category section, Holdings, Standard Rules, Roll Forward Rules, and Cash Activity are selected by default.
In the Dates section, select one of the following options:
- Specific Date. Click the calendar to set a specific run date, or type the day/month/year directly into the date selector.
- Range. Select this option and set a start and end date. The engine is submitted for each date in the range specified.
- Use Business Calendar. Select a business calendar to submit only the business days within the specified date range.
- Submit Jobs Concurrently. Selected by default. This option controls if multiple run dates are submitted all at once or sequentially (one date at time starting with earliest date). When you select this option, multiple run dates are submitted at the same time. It is more efficient to run multiple engines simultaneously.
- Rule. Select this option, and then click Select Date Rule. Use a date rule to dynamically determine the effective date for processing. Note that the date rule option is for determining a single date, not a range of dates. Select the Today date rule to process using the exact date from Process Manager.In the Options section, you can change the Submit the Engine at Log Level value.
When troubleshooting, set the log level to a value of 10 to provide more detail.To override the default commit source (Eagle Enrichment), select Override the Commit Source check box.
Dedicated internal sources (instances <=100) are not available for commit source override. If you commit to a source that already has data for the given submit date, the existing data is overwritten. If you commit to an alternate source, it may interrupt time series data. For example, if you are committing to the default [source 7] each day, but then use the override to commit to a different source.To override the default source rule (source of input data), select the Override the Source Rule check box.
Using this option results in the use of input data from sources that differ from those being used on a regular basis. Access to source overrides is controlled via User Security and should only be granted to advanced users.Click OK to save your changes.
You see a message that the rules were submitted for processing.To view the results, refer to the section, Work with Execution Logs.