Generate PDC Reports
In the Portfolio Data Center, you can generate operational reports. PDC maintains full history data of all the entities. In the Report workspace, you can sort columns alphabetically, remove columns, clear a filter on a column, use Find to quickly identify items in a column, and freeze & unfreeze a column. You can then print or export a report in an Excel or CSV file format.
About the Portfolio Data Center Reports
In the Portfolio Data Center, you can run the following reports:
Report Name | Description |
Active Validations | This report shows you the list of all active validations that are currently assigned to the policies. The report shows in-detail about the active validation, such as field name to which the validation is applied, validation ID, validation name & description, error code associated with it. You can filter the search results by policy. |
Audit Report | This report shows you the manual changes made to the entities. The report displays the entire creation and updated changes of the entities by old and new value, field name, the valid time period of the override, updated user name & date. You can filter the search results by entity name and entity type. |
Entities Not in a Policy | This report provides you the list of entities that are not mapped to any policy. The report displays the entity ID, name, type, legal name, and sector of the listed entities. |
Entity Journal | This report shows you the list of entities that are new to the system, modified or terminated for the specified date range. The report in-detail displays the entity id, entity name, entity type, its column and field names, override values, if any. You can filter the search results by entity and entity type. |
Exceptions Summary | This report displays you all the exceptions that are available for the specified date range. The report displays the entity id, name, the failed validation, error code, error description, severity, resolution for the exception. It displays both most recent history exception and past history exception, which will help you to prioritize exceptions that affect the entities release level (most recent history) from those that do not (past history) affect it. You can filter the report by entity, severity type and error code. |
Future Dated Benchmark Assignment | This report shows you the list of all entities that have a future dated benchmark (or peer) association regardless of the relationship type over the next N days. The report displays details about the entity, the associated benchmark id, name, relationship type, effective date. You can filter the search results by entity type. By default, it is filtered by number of days. Maximum you can filter the report up to 365 days. |
Future Dated Field Edits | This report shows you the list of all entities that have a future dated field edits over the next N days. The report displays details about the entity, associated policy, the field which is edited, the override value. By default, it is filtered by number of days that is from the current system date to the next N number of days. |
Policy Report | This report shows you the detailed information about the policies. The report displays details about the policy, field groups associated with it, owner of the field group, field name, size, precision. |
Release Status | This report shows the current release status of the entities grouped by policy. You can filter the search results by policy and release status. |
Generate Reports
In the Entity Summary workspace, you can generate PDC reports.
To generate a report in Portfolio Data Center:
In Portfolio Data Center, from the left navigation, select Portfolio Desk.
You see the Entity Summary workspace with the available list of entities.On the Home tab, in the Report group, click Reports and select the report you want to generate.
You see the Search panel associated with the report you have selected.Complete the required search criteria and click Search.
You see the results displayed in the workspace.On the Home tab, click Print to print the report.
On the Home tab, click Export and then select either Export to Excel or Export to CSV to export the report.