Submit Policy

Submit Policy

In the Policies workspace, once you set up the policies as per your processing requirements, the next step is to run each policy as of the effective date. When you submit the policy, the PDC engine assigns each entity to the relevant policy it qualifies for and also establishes the release level.

If you have enabled the system setting id 25, then the PDC engine process only the unprocessed entities (i.e.  the delta entities) during the policy submission.

Submit Policy - Workflow

  • When a policy is submitted, the PDC engine determines which entities are assigned to that policy based on the entity type and criteria defined within the policy setup.

  • Based on the fields in the Policy's underlying Field Groups, a copy of only those field values from the latest effective date are stored in the history tables (for whichever date the policy is run for).

  • The system then processes it for applicable validations and enrichments and creates exception messages for failed validations.

  • Then each entity is assigned a release level based on the passed/failed validations.

To submit a policy:

  1. From the left navigation, in Portfolio Data Center, select SetupPolicies.
    You see the Policies workspace with the list of all available policies.

  2. Select the policy you want to submit and click Submit in Actions group of Home tab.
    You see the Submit dialog.

  3. Select Only submit for entities with changes since the last submission check box to restrict processing to only entities that have new data added to it.

  4. In the Days to Look Back box, enter the number of days of recent vendor data you want to use for the composite.

  5. Click the Effective Date list and select the date you want the entities composited.

  6. Select Submit the Engine at Log Level check box to override the Default log levels and select a log level from 1 to 10.
    You can select log level 1 in production mode to capture minimal information and log level 10 to capture detailed debug mode of log for triage.
    You can monitor the logs and events from the Portfolio Desk > Monitor workspace and also by default, the Portfolio Data Center events are selected in the search criteria..

  7. Click Submit. The policy is submitted to the system for compositing of the entities associated with the policy.
    You see a message stating successful submission of policy.