View and Edit Released Exceptions

View and Edit Released Exceptions

The Released Exceptions window displays the released exceptions that are currently in effect for an entity (including the name of the field, error description, expiration date and reason code). When you launch the Released Exceptions icon from the PDC Summary screen, the system returns all released exceptions that meet the search criteria. You can also launch the Released Exceptions window within a specific entity, in which case the system returns released exceptions of that entity alone.

By default, you can filter the view according to policy, field, status, expiration date and error code. You can also add additional search criteria fields to the filter option, as required. In summary, the Released Exceptions window allows you to see all active and non-active released exceptions in a single window for a set of entities or a single entity, allowing users to effectively view and manage exceptions as a whole.

View Released Exceptions

You can view all the exceptions you have released so far.

To view a released exception:

  1. In Portfolio Data Center, from the left navigation, select Portfolio Desk and click the appropriate entity type.
    You see the Summary workspace with the available list of entities.

  2. On the Home tab, in the Override group, click Released Exceptions.
    You see the Released Exceptions window. By default, you see the list of release exceptions that satisfy the default filter options.

  3. In the filter section, to customize the search for released exceptions, you can modify the default options, as needed.

  4. Click the Policy list to select one or more policies for which exceptions are released, as needed.

  5. In the Expiration Date period, select the End Date time period for which you want to search the released exceptions, if needed.
    The End Date is the actual expiration date of the released exception.

  6. Click the Status list to select the status of the released exception. The status indicate the status of the released exception. Options include:
    -Active & Inactive. Lists both the active and inactive released exceptions. If the released exceptions lies in the specified time frame for validity at the time of the search, then it is in Active status. If the time frame for validity is ended, then the released exception is in Inactive status.
    -Active Only. Lists only the Active released exceptions. If the released exception's End Date is set to the most recent effective date or a future date, the exception is in Active status.
    -Inactive Only. Lists only the Inactive released exceptions. These are exceptions where the Expiration Date or End Date is prior to the current effective date.

  7. Click the Error Code list to select one or more error codes for which the exceptions are released, as needed.

  8. Click Search.
    You see the search returns a list of released exceptions that satisfy the filter criteria.

  9. In the search pane, select Save/Save as to save the filter criteria.

  10. Select Make this my default view check box to make the workspace view as your default. 

Edit Released Exceptions

You can view and edit the exceptions you have already released, as long as the Expiration Date (or End Date) of the exception is equal to or greater than today’s current effective date.

To edit a released exception:

  1. In Portfolio Data Center, from the left navigation, select Portfolio Desk and click the appropriate entity type.
    You see the Summary workspace with the available list of entities.

  2. On the Home tab, in the Override group, click Released Exceptions.
    You see the Released Exceptions window. By default, you see the list of release exceptions that satisfy the default filter options.

  3. In the filter section, to customize the search for overrides, you can modify the default options, as needed.

  4. Click Search.
    You see the search returns a list of released exceptions that satisfy the filter criteria.

  5. Select an exception you want to modify in the list and click Edit Released Exception.
    You see the Edit dialog box with the updated date and user details.

  6. Revise the exception details as required and then click Save.
    You see the system display the refreshed list of released exceptions with the change applied.