Create an Exclusion Benchmark
You can create a custom benchmark with a type of Exclusion. For example, your custom benchmark can use the Domestic Equity index, excluding Oil and Gas sectors.
To create an Exclusion benchmark:
From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.
Enter Benchmarks in the Start Search text box.
Click the Benchmarks (Performance Center).
You see the Performance Center and the Benchmarks workspace with a list of entities.Click Create New on the Home tab ribbon.
The Create New dialog box appears.Select Custom Benchmarks from the Select Policy drop-down list.
The Select Custom Index Type drop-down list appears in the dialog box.
Select Exclusion from the Custom Index Type drop-down list and click OK.
You see the Create New Custom Benchmark wizard with the Details page displayed.In the Details page, enter the Effective Date, Entity ID and Entity Name for the custom benchmark.
Select a value from the Entity Base Currency drop-down list. If you are performing multicurrency conversion for the benchmark, Eagle’s best practice is to specify a base currency value in the Base Currency field.
Enter the Inception Date for the custom benchmark. This field is not required, but as a best practice, Eagle recommends entering an inception date that matches the effective date of the earliest definition (that is, the earliest date associated with data entered) for the custom benchmark.
Click Next.
The Exclusion page opens.Enter the required fields.
Target Performance Model. The source dictionary under which the entity data is stored in the PERFORM database. When you select the source dictionary, the system displays the levels and sub levels associated with that dictionary in a grid at the bottom of the page.
Source Entity Name. The source entity from the PERFORM database.
Source. The source under which the source entity data is stored in the PERFORM database.
A grid appears for the Target Performance Model with columns for Entity and Sector, as well as Exclude check boxes and buttons to define Security Level Exclusions.To exclude an entire dictionary level, select the check box in the Exclude column for the appropriate level.
The system displays the word All beside the check box to indicate all segments and/or securities within that level are excluded. If you select a dictionary level that includes sub levels, the system displays the word All beside the check box of each related sub level to indicate its exclusion.To exclude one or more securities within a level, click the Define Securities button in the Securities Level Exclusions column.
The Security Selector appears with the securities that belong to the selected level.Select the securities to exclude, and click OK.
You can use the arrows to move securities from the Available Securities area to the Selected Securities area. In this case, the selected securities are selected for exclusion.
The securities that appear in the dialog box belong to the specific source entity, dictionary, and date combination. This data is obtained from the PERFORM.PERF_SEC_ROLLUP_RELATION table for the effective date less than or equal to the as of date from the window. For example, when creating an exclusion benchmark for the date 4/30/2004, the dialog box displays securities less than or equal to 4/30/2004 for the specific source entity and dictionary combination.
After making your selections, a value of Partial appears in the Exclusion check box, indicating that you are excluding part of the specified level.Click Save.
Additional pages are available in the entity setup but these pages are not required for the custom benchmark setup.
The custom index attributes information is saved in the database in the RULESDBO.CUSTOM_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES table, and in the table RULESDBO.CUSTOM_INDEX_ATTR_DETAIL. The column PINSTANCE in the CUSTOM_INDEX_ATTR_DETAIL table is equal to the column INSTANCE in the CUSTOM_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES table.