Generate Data Using the Custom Index Entity Build

Generate Data Using the Custom Index Entity Build

After you define custom benchmark entities, as described in Maintain Custom Benchmarks, and set up data for use by the Custom Index Builder, an entity build is required to generate performance data for the custom benchmark entities.

About the Custom Benchmark Builder

The Custom Index Builder:

  • Calculates performance data for custom benchmarks, such as returns and weights.

  • Stores that data in the PERFORM database using the field attributes you define, as appropriate.

  • Can add additional nodes to the performance model, or target dictionary, used.

  • Adds a row to the Commit Journal for each custom benchmark processed.

  • Can create a report results file that you can review from the Commit Journal.

  • Creates a log file that you can use to troubleshoot build issues.

There are two ways to initiate the entity build process: manual and scheduled. The entity build process verifies that certain information is present to continue.

Prevent Custom Benchmark Builds with Missing Weights

The entity build process for a custom benchmark requires that the source entity data PERFORM..PERF_SEC_RETURNS.ABAL column is populated with a weight. This should be the beginning weight of the period.

The default for a total-level-only dictionary is 100. A process within the entity build checks to validate that the ABAL column is populated for all rollup and security level source data before proceeding with the build.

If this column is not populated, the entity build stops and reports the following error:

EGLWARNING101007 : Required information missing; ABAL not populated for PerfSumInst XXXX, RollupID xxxx, and SecurityAlias XXXX.

Prevent Custom Benchmark Builds based on Partial Data

By default, the entity build flag for the custom benchmark entity, ENTITY_BUILD_FLAG, is set to N. The entity build flag determines whether the entity build process builds the entity when partial data is available. With the flag set to N, the entity build process does not build a custom benchmark unless all source entity data is present. This default value is intended to prevent custom benchmark builds based on partial data.

For example, if custom benchmark 1 consists of Bench1 and Bench 2 and the flag is set to N, complete data for both Bench1 and Bench2 must be present for custom benchmark 1 to build.
If you want to allow custom benchmark builds based on partial data, you can set the ENTITY_BUILD_FLAG to Y or NULL for the custom benchmark entity. Then the custom benchmark is built if partial source entity data is present. To allow users setting up custom benchmarks to prevent or allow entity builds for the custom benchmark if partial data is available, you can configure the system to display the entity build flag field on the Entity Details tab of the Entity Maintenance module. You can then set the custom benchmark's entity build flag to Y to allow a build if data is not present for the source entity.

Submit an Entity Build Manually

You can manually submit the entity build process for a custom benchmark.

To manually submit the entity build process for a custom benchmark:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator

  2. Enter Benchmarks in the Start Search text box.

  3. Click the Benchmarks (Performance Center).
    You see the Performance Center and the Benchmarks workspace with a list of entities.

  4. Select the row for the custom benchmark you want to build, and click Submit.
    The Submit Build dialog box appears.

  5. Enter the build criteria, as follows:
    Date. The effective date for the entity build. This is the date written to the database for the target custom benchmark.
    Single Date. Enter a date value directly.
    Existing Date. List of dates for which positions exist. Dates are from the HOLDING database.
    Use Date Rule. You can build for the Date Rule’s end date or the date range. The functionality exists to be able to use a date rule in order to run an entity build for date ranges. It is not recommended that this option be used with floating weight blended benchmarks because the entity builds do not necessarily complete chronologically.
    Frequency. Choose the frequency of performance data. Monthly is the default. The entity build program looks for the indicated frequency of data when querying for source entities data. Also, the program creates the target custom benchmark data with the same frequency. For example, an entity build that has source data of a monthly frequency creates a target benchmark with a monthly frequency.
    Commit Source. The source chosen is the source that is written to the database for the target custom benchmark.
    Log Level. Indicates the level at which the logging occurs. Some fields, such as Modified Dietz and IRR, create log files that display details about each calculation. These detailed logs are created at level 10.
    Generate Custom Index Result File. When you select this check box, the entity build process generates a report about the results of the custom benchmark entity build process that you can view using the Commit Journal. By default, this check box is selected. For more information, see View Custom Index Results from the Commit Journal.

  6. Click Save.
    The end result of the entity build is performance data populated in the database for the target custom benchmark, for example, the custom benchmark entity ID.

Schedule an Entity Build

You can also schedule the entity build in the Automation Center.

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator

  2. Enter Automation Center in the Start Search text box.

  3. Click the Automation Center link to access the Automation Center.
    You see the Automation Center.

  4. Click the Job/Events tab.
    You see the Jobs/Events workspace.

  5. Click Create New in the ribbon, and select Event.
    The Create Event window appears. From the Create or Maintain Event window, you can schedule an entity build.

  6. Define an Event and provide event details.

  7. Click Save & Schedule.
    The Entity Build Event Options window appears. 

    Entity Build Event Options
  8. Complete the following:
    Enter the Event Name and Source.
    Specify the Build type (for example, Regular for a monthly performance frequency build or Daily Custom Index Build for a daily performance frequency build).
    Select the Generate Custom Index Result File check box to generate a custom benchmark report that you can view using the Commit Journal. By default, this check box is selected. For more information, see View Custom Index Results from the Commit Journal."
    Select the custom benchmark entity for the entity build event.

  9. Click Save.

  10. In the main window, select the appropriate scheduling options and dependencies.

  11. Finish by clicking Save again.

When the scheduled entity build runs, the date for the entity build is chosen by looking to the PERFORM database.

The following logic is used:

  • Logic to determine date*.

  • Query 1: Select max (update_date) from perform..perf_summary where src_intfc_inst = x

  • Query 2: Select max(end_effective_date) from perform..perf_summary where src_intfc_inst = X and update_date = (date from Query 1)

x source is the source chosen in the Define Event window in the DataSteward.

  • Custom Index Attributes definition. The Entity Build occurs for the date from Step 1 with the rules..custom_index_attributes definition information that is found when the table is queried for the date less than or equal to the date from Step 1. An example is shown in the following table.