Troubleshoot Volatility Calculations and SRRI

You can review the five years of weekly returns calculated 'on the fly' for use in volatility calculations for SRRI by running the Performance Analysis OLAP report at log level 9. You can additionally view the beginning and ending NAVs and/or returns for each week in the Level 10 log.

Best practices dictate that you only run an OLAP report at level 10 for one fund at a time. You can do so using the Submit with Override report option described in the troubleshooting section of Performance Analysis and Reporting.

When you run the report, remove all entities except for the one fund in question. Then edit the log level by selecting the Override the server log level check box and setting the log level to a value of 10. After the report runs, open the report results, select the Diagnostics tab, and click the Log File Name button to view the log.