Apply Anniversary Date Overrides

Apply Anniversary Date Overrides

As noted earlier, the system settings for the anniversary period and frequency are applied to all convertible funds for all convertible returns.

You only need to set these parameters once if all your convertible funds convert for the same period. However, if you have products that follow a different conversion schedule, PACE provides the ability to set entity level overrides for each of these parameters.

If an override is applied, it is used in place of the system default. Overrides are set by specifying the parameters right on the fund's entity record.

You can apply the overrides by using the Policies in Portfolio Data Center. You can use the policy screen to set the override values for the specific columns. You then save it to the database.

The database has two columns reserved for this purpose:



Both columns are located on the RULESDBO.ENTITY_EXTENSION_HIST (and current) table. Details for these columns follow. See the following figure.

MFP Conv_Frequency and MFP_Conv_Period Details

Before you go to Portfolio Data Center, consider creating field attributes for these two fields ahead of time. Check the inventory of fields for ENTITY_EXTENSION to be sure these columns are viewable within maintenance fields.

To set Anniversary Date Overrides:

  1. Start within the Portfolio Data Center.

  2. Navigate to the fund you wish to edit.

  3. Click edit to get to the entity detail screen.

  4. Use the date option to set/get to the earliest entity history record.

  5. Find the column name (or field name) you want to edit.

  6. Double-click the conversion frequency field and enter the desired value - Supports D for daily, M for monthly or Y for yearly (example: use Y if override is 7 years).

  7. Double-click in the conversion period field and enter the desired value (example: use 7 if override is for 7 years).

Overrides only need to be applied if a fund converts based on a schedule other than the system default.