Reporting Net Asset Value and Related Data

Reporting Net Asset Value and Related Data

After you enter the required entity data and tax rates, the next step is to load the system with NAV, distribution, and the other periodic data required to calculate returns. Because you are doing this via a generic interface created when the system was installed, you can review the NAV and distribution data that is being loaded via the NAV report. You can create multiple NAV reports for different purposes, for example separate reports to display NAVs from different sources.

In this section

 The profile for the NAV report has options to select the entity, date range, and fields from the database to display on the report, as shown in the following figure.

 The source for the NAV and distribution data is selected in step 3 in the image above. There is an option in the NAV report profile for overlaying the original source data with edited data on a row-by-row basis. If the option Overlay edited source is enabled, the NAV Report overlays the edited source rows when necessary. By default, this option is disabled.