Index Toolkit: Preconfigured Components

Index Toolkit: Preconfigured Components

Field Attributes

Weight and ABAL Roll-up Calculation Fields

The Toolkit includes standard index roll-up weight calculation fields. There are two types of weight calculation fields: “sum” and “percent”.

The weight sum is a simple sum for each level of the performance model; it is expected to sum to 100 at the total level and it is used in error checks and audit reports.

The weight percent is calculated as a percentage that always sums to 100 at the total level; it is summed for each level in the performance model. The weight percent is used to weight returns and is also committed to the PERFORM tables.

The ABAL is calculated identically to the weight percent field. These fields are used in the performance calculation reports that calculate, validate, and commit results to PERFORM tables.

Return Roll-up Calculation Fields

The Toolkit includes standard index roll-up return calculation fields for gross and local returns. The opening weight percent for the end effective date is used to weight the returns during the calculation. The open weight is scaled to sum to 100 percent during the calculation, which matches the weight values committed by the open weight percent field. The weighted returns are calculated for every level in the performance model. These fields are used in the performance calculation reports that calculate, validate, and commit results to PERFORM tables.

Market Value Roll-up Calculation Fields

The Toolkit includes standard index roll-up calculation fields for market values. Market values are summed for each level of a performance model. These fields are used in the performance calculation reports that calculate, validate, and commit results to PERFORM tables.

Daily to Monthly Return Calculation Fields

The monthly frequency return fields are built by linking the return committed by the daily performance calculation report. For each daily return field, there is a monthly return field based on it. This includes gross, net, and local returns.

Daily to Monthly ABAL and Weight Calculation fields

The month-to-date average values for ABAL and Beginning Weight are calculated by performance risk fields that process daily values already stored in the PERFORM tables. The Beginning Weight is also known as the Investment Base.

Daily to Monthly Beginning and Ending Market Value Calculation fields

The monthly beginning market value field uses a date rule to determine the first business day of the month and then returns the daily performance value for that day.

The monthly frequency ending market value field uses a date rule to determine the last business day of the month and then returns the daily performance value for that day.

Missing Data Check

This security level check identifies any securities in the portfolio which have no open weight or return for the day being calculated. In the case that there are failures, the total level message “Missing Data” is prepared.

Extreme Return Check

This total level check identifies when the entity’s gross return is missing, the gross return is greater than 50%, or the gross return is less than -50%. If the entity’s return meets any of these criteria, the total level message “Extreme Return” is prepared.

Total Weight Check

This total level check identifies when the roll-up weight is not 100%. In the case that the check fails, the total level message “Weight not 100” is prepared.

Calculated vs. Published Return Check

This total level check identifies when the calculated index gross return differs by more than 0.5% from its published return (from the PERFORM tables). In the case that the check fails, the total level message “Vs Published Return Failed” is prepared.

Check to Reconcile the Number of Constituents with the Prior Day

This total level check reports the difference in the total number of constituents between the effective date and the prior day. A large difference could indicate a rebalance or a problem with the source data.

Check to Reconcile the Constituent List with the Prior Day

This total level check reports the number of changed constituents from the prior day. For example there could be 500 constituents on each day but they might not be the same 500 securities. A large difference could indicate a rebalance or a problem with the source data.

Check to Reconcile Constituent Weights with the Prior Day

This check compares the opening weight for the current day to the opening weight for the prior day. It identifies and counts the number of positions with a weight change greater than 2% or less than -2%. A large change could indicate a rebalance or a problem with the source data.

Daily and Monthly Check Message

The check message field displays at the total level the highest priority message of all the checks that failed.

Entity Build and Custom Benchmark Fields

The Toolkit includes standard configurations for market value, weight, and return fields that are calculated by entity build processes for Aggregates, Sub-portfolios, and Custom benchmark processes. The required advanced field attributes are defined to populate consistently with fields loaded by the positions and performance interfaces and fields calculated by the performance calculation reports. This streamlines the implementation of custom portfolios and benchmarks such as aggregate blends and sub-portfolios that populate holdings tables, and custom benchmarks that populate PERFORM tables. These types of custom entities can be processed by all Toolkit reports in a fashion consistent with standard portfolios and indexes.

Entity Description Fields

The Toolkit includes standard Entity Description fields. The fields display descriptive names for any type of Entity. This capability is especially useful for custom benchmark entities for which the description is automatically built based upon the custom benchmark definition as of the report’s effective date. The descriptions can be used to audit definitions and disclose construction of custom benchmarks.

Entity Fields

The Toolkit includes standard Entity Fields for Indexes, such as Name, Base Currency, and Inception Date. These fields can be used to verify Index Entity definitions that were entered by hand or through the standard Entity interface.

Security Fields

The Toolkit includes standard Security Master field attributes. The fields can be used to verify the name, identifiers (including cross reference identifiers), and standard classifications of index constituents. These classifications include country, region, currency, and various industry sectors such as GICS and Aggregate Bond. These are the same classifications used to group securities and calculate roll-up values for the Toolkit performance Models. The fields can be used to audit security data entered by hand or through the standard SMF interface.

Index Position Fields

The Toolkit includes standard field attributes for daily market value, weights, and returns of index constituents. The field attributes are specific to index constituents and include advanced holdings fields that are processed by the Toolkit index performance calculation reports. The fields display holdings values that were loaded by the standard positions interface or calculated by an entity build for an Aggregate or Sub-portfolio entity.

Index positions are different from portfolio positions because they include pre-calculated weights and returns that can be loaded directly using the standard positions interface. There are two weights available for each day: an opening weight that is used for the performance calculations on the effective date, and a closing weight that is used for position verification reports on the effective date. The gross and local returns are for the day ending the effective date.

Performance Fields

The Toolkit includes standard performance field attributes required to populate and report performance data for index constituents and performance models. These are the same fields used to populate and report performance for the invested portfolios. The Index Toolkit supports market value, weight, ABAL, and return fields used to verify performance data for each of the toolkit models supported for indexes. The performance data could have been calculated by an index performance calculation report or loaded directly by the standard performance interface. Additional information about these fields and verification reports is available within the Performance Calculation section of this guide.

In addition, the four sector analytics fields for Fixed Income Attribution are supported. These are the Yield Curve ID, Effective Yield, Effective Duration, and Effective Convexity that can be loaded by the standard performance interface. These fields are described within the Performance Attribution section of this guide.