Configure the Funded and UnFunded Period

Configure the Funded and UnFunded Period

When you commit returns to the database, they point to a Perf_Sec_Returns column and populate with values of 1 and 0. The values 1 = funded and 0 = unfunded. The record is considered funded when the value is > 0 and not null. Once the returns have been committed along with the funded flag column with 1 and 0, the same can be used in the Performance Link analysis and the Risk analysis for research and analysis purposes. 

The Funded / Unfunded flags of 1 and 0 are updated manually by the users to the database. 

This same logic is supported in Risk, with a requirement that funded flags needs to be populated for the BM as well.

Scenarios of a funded period:

Any day there has been a transaction/ buy / sell activity and there is either a beginning position or an ending position then that day is considered to be a funded day (Real Market Exposure).

 Scenarios of an unfunded period:

Any day both the begin and end position is zero, with no intra-day trading/buy/sell activity and zero position both at begin and end without any transaction is said to be un-funded. (No real market exposure).

Dividend or accrual based income activities are not eligible transactions and does not constitute a funded day.

When money is allocated to an Investment Manager and he/she is given time to achieve his target asset allocation.  Until that time some clients / managers do not measure the performance, and until this time we can consider it un-funded.

To configure the Funded Field flag:

The Funded Field flag can be enabled by selecting the Alignment to Observations field. The dates of individual observations and the date range of held period works the same as before, with the option of the Funded Field flag.

In the image below, the Funded field flag stored in PSR-USER_FLOAT 37 as 1 and 0.

Funded Flag Field

The linking will be done for the dates of individual observations at a security level and when the funded flag record is 1.