Maintain Commit Journal Views

Maintain Commit Journal Views

If you are the owner of a view, you can edit, delete, and rename the view. As the owner, you can also publish or restrict a view to individuals or groups, transfer ownership, or migrate a view to another environment. If you are not the owner of a view you can duplicate and rename it.

Duplicate Views

If you have permission to access a published view but are not the view's owner, you can duplicate the published view, and then edit the copy. When you copy a published view, the copy is unpublished and does not provide the same access rights as the original for specific business groups and/or users.

To duplicate a view:

  1. From the Performance Center window, click the Performance Desk and click Commit Journal in the left navigation.
    You see the Commit Journal workspace displaying a list of available views in the right navigation.
  2. Under Views, select the view that you want to copy.
  3. Click Duplicate on the ribbon.
    You see the Duplicate View dialog box.
  4. In the Copy as field, enter the new name and click OK.
    You see the new view under Views. You are the owner of the new view.
Content on this page:

Edit Views

You must be the owner to edit a view.

To edit a view:

  1. From the Performance Center window, click the Performance Desk and click Commit Journal in the left navigation.
    You see the Commit Journal workspace displaying a list of available views in the right navigation.
  2. Under Views, select the view that you wish to modify.
  3. Click Edit on the ribbon.
    You see the Edit View dialog box.
  4. Make changes to the parameters of the view.
  5. Click OK to save your changes.

Delete Views

You must be the owner to delete a view. When you delete a view, business groups and/or users authorized to access will no longer see the view.

To delete a view:

  1. From the Performance Center window, click the Performance Desk and click Commit Journal in the left navigation.
    You see the Commit Journal workspace displaying a list of available views in the right navigation.
  2. Under Views, select the view that you wish to delete.
  3. Click Delete on the ribbon. Or, right click the view and select Delete View.
    You see a message asking if you wish to delete that view.
  4. Click Yes.
    You cannot see the deleted view under Views.

Rename Views

You must be the owner to rename a view.

To rename a view:

  1. From the Performance Center window, click the Performance Desk and click Commit Journal in the left navigation.
    You see the Commit Journal workspace displaying a list of available views in the right navigation.
  2. Under Views, select the view that you wish to rename.
  3. Click Rename on the ribbon.
    You see the Rename View dialog box.
  4. In the Rename As field, enter a new name for the view.
  5. Click OK.
    You see the new name of the view under Views. If you changed the name of a published view, the business groups and/or users authorized to access the view will see the new name.

Publish Views

You must be the owner of a view to publish it. By publishing a view, you provide individual users and/or business groups with read-only access to the view's filter criteria and the view's results.
NOTE: Depending on your level of security, you see only the PACE users to whom you have access, or all users that exist in PACE.

To publish to users or groups:

  1. From the Performance Center window, click the Performance Desk and click Commit Journal in the left navigation.
    You see the Commit Journal workspace displaying a list of available views in the right navigation.
  2. Under Views, select the view that you wish to publish.
  3. Click Publish on the ribbon. Or, right click and select Publish.
    You see the Publish dialog box with lookup boxes for Users and Groups.
  4. Click the lookup icon next to Users or Groups to display all users or groups. Or, type a name or part of a name and click the lookup icon to see a subset of users or groups. Or, click the ellipsis to search for users or groups using additional criteria.
    You see a list of users or groups that match your lookup criteria.
  5. Click the check boxes next to the users you wish to access the view.
    You see the names in the dialog box.
  6. Click the check box next to a name if you wish to remove it.
  7. Click OK when you have made your selections.
    You see a message that the view was published successfully.
  8. Click OK to close the message.
    You see the icon next to the view has changed to indicate that it has been published to others.

Search for Users or Groups

You can see more information about users or groups and access additional selection criteria by using the Search feature.

To search for users:

  1. From the Performance Center window, click the Performance Desk and click Commit Journal in the left navigation.
    You see the Commit Journal workspace displaying a list of available views in the right navigation.
  2. Under Views, select the view that you wish to search.
    You see the Commit Journal workspace with a list of My Views in the right navigation.
  3. Click Publish on the ribbon. Or, right click and select Publish.
    You see the Publish dialog box with lookup boxes for Users and Groups.
  4. Click the ellipsis under Users.
    You see the Search dialog box. By default, there are three drop downs: User Name, Full Name, and Group Name.
  5. Click the arrow next to a drop down to modify the default criteria and then click Add Criteria to include Max Rows as an additional search filter.
  6. Select the appropriate criteria. Or, select no criteria to see all users.
  7. Click the Make this my default search check box to save the selected criteria as the default if desired.
  8. Click Search and click the check boxes next to the User IDs to make your selections.
    You see the users listed in the Selected section.
    NOTE: Click the red check mark next to a User ID if you wish to remove it from the Selected list.
  9. Click OK when you have made your selections.
    You see the selected users in the Publish dialog box.
  10. Click OK.
    You see a message that the view was published successfully.
  11. Click OK to close the message.
    You see the icon next to the view has changed to indicate that it has been published to others.

To search for groups:

  1. From the Performance Center window, click the Performance Desk and click Commit Journal in the left navigation.
    You see the Commit Journal workspace displaying a list of available views in the right navigation.
  2. Under Views, select the view that you wish to search.
  3. Click Publish on the ribbon. Or, right click and select Publish.
    You see the Publish dialog box with lookup boxes for Users and Groups.
  4. Click the ellipsis under Groups.
    You see the Search dialog box. By default, there are three drop downs: Group Name, Group Type, and User Name.
  5. Click the arrow next to a drop down to modify the default criteria.
  6. Click Add Criteria to include Max Rows and/or Description as additional search filters.
  7. Select the appropriate criteria. Or, select no criteria to see all groups.
  8. Click Make this my default search to save the criteria, if desired.
  9. Click Search and click the check boxes next to the Group Names to make your selections.
    You see the groups listed in the Selected section.
    NOTE: Click the red check mark next to a Group Name if you wish to remove it from the Selected list.
  10. Click OK when you have made your selections.
    You see the selected Users or Groups in the Publish dialog box.
  11. Click OK.
    You see a message that the view was published successfully.
  12. Click OK to close the message.
    You see the icon next to the view has changed to indicate that it has been published to others.

Restrict Access to Published View

After you publish a view, you can restrict individuals or groups from having access to the view.
NOTE: Once you publish a view, it is recommended that you make changes to the view only when it is not in use by others.

To restrict access to a published view:

  1. From the Performance Center window, click the Performance Desk and click Commit Journal in the left navigation.
    You see the Commit Journal workspace displaying a list of available views in the right navigation.
  2. Under Views, select the published view that you wish to modify.
  3. Click Publish/Restrict on the ribbon. Or, right click and select Publish/Restrict.
    You see the Publish dialog box with the names of users and/or groups who have access to the view.
  4. Click the check box next to the user or group you wish to restrict. Or, click Clear All to restrict all users and/or all groups access to the view.
  5. Click OK.
    You see a message that the view was published successfully. If you selected Clear All, the icon next to the view indicates that it is no longer published to others.

Transfer Ownership of Views

You must be the owner to transfer ownership of a view to another user. When you transfer ownership, you give the new owner the right to edit, publish, and transfer ownership of the view, and you lose those ownership rights at time of transfer. You can transfer ownership of a published or unpublished view.

To transfer ownership of a view:

  1. From the Performance Center window, click the Performance Desk and click Commit Journal in the left navigation.
    You see the Commit Journal workspace displaying a list of available views in the right navigation.
  2. Under Views, select the view for which you wish to transfer ownership.
  3. Click Transfer Ownership on the ribbon. Or, right click the view and select Transfer Ownership.
    You see the Transfer Ownership dialog box. You can transfer ownership to members of your own business group, or to users outside of your business group. Users of your business group are displayed by default. If you are a member of a compound business group, all users of the compound business group are displayed.
  4. If you wish to view the names of users outside of your business group, clear the Show Me Only Users in My Group check box.
  5. Select the name of the Eagle user to whom you are transferring ownership of the view, and click OK.
    You see a message confirming that you wish to transfer ownership of the view to that Eagle user.
  6. Click Yes to transfer ownership of the view. Otherwise, click No to cancel the transfer of ownership.
    You see the view that was transferred under Views only if you are authorized (as a user or a member of a business group) to have read-only access to that view. Otherwise, you can no longer access the view. The new owner must publish to you for you to have access.

Migrate View to Another Environment

Migration is the process of exporting or importing a component from one environment to another environment. You can migrate a Commit Journal view from a source environment to a destination environment if the view is not already present. Migration does not change, delete, or update an existing performance view.

If you publish a view for use by specific users and/or business groups and then migrate that view, the view in the destination environment is no longer published with access assigned to those groups. You can manually publish the view to the appropriate users/groups after migration. The system designates the Eagle user who migrates the views as the owner of those views in the destination environment.

To export a view:

  1. From the Performance Center window, click the Performance Desk and click Commit Journal in the left navigation.
    You see the Commit Journal workspace displaying a list of available views in the right navigation.
  2. Under Views, select the view that you wish to export.
  3. Click the Migrate icon on the ribbon and then select Export.
    You see the Export workspace with the components of the view you selected in the Available Components section.
  4. Select an Output File by clicking Browse.
    You see a Save As dialog box.
  5. Enter a name for the output file and click Save.
    You see the path and name of the file in the Output File section.
  6. Select a Migration Rule from the drop down.
  7. Click Export.
    You see a message saying Export Completed.
  8. Click OK to close the message.
    You see Migration Status and other parameters in the lower section of the workspace.