About Disclosure Templates

A template allows you to quickly produce accurate and consistent content for a disclosure. There are two types of disclosure templates:

  • Regular. Contains a simple text string such as, "Composite returns are calculated on an asset-weighted average basis using beginning-of-period values."
  • Dynamic. Combines a text string with embedded fields that retrieve data based on the context of the disclosure. At run time a report that contains a dynamic disclosure template references the database for the data in the embedded fields and the results are displayed in the text stream of the disclosure in the report. There are numerous categories of embedded fields to choose from, including Entity, Entity Characteristics, and Holdings (excluding Sum and Rollup).

For more information, see "Create New Disclosures."

Content on this page:

Regular Disclosure Templates

The following shows the names of the regular disclosure templates and the text provided.

  • Additional Information. Additional information regarding the policies for calculating and reporting returns is available upon request.
  • Internal dispersion. Internal dispersion is calculated using the equal-weighted standard deviation of all portfolios that were included in the composite for the entire year.
  • Calculation. Composite returns are calculated on an asset-weighted average basis using beginning-of-period values.
  • Composite List. A complete list and description of all of the FIRM composites is available upon request.
  • Fees. Performance figures are presented gross of management fees, custodial fees, and withholding taxes but net of all trading expenses.
  • Leverage. Returns are presented net of leverage.

Dynamic Disclosure Templates

The following shows the names of the dynamic disclosure templates and the combination of text and embedded fields that are provided for disclosures. An embedded field (<Field>) dynamically retrieves data from the database at the time the report is run.

If Holdings fields are used within a dynamic disclosure, data must be stored in the Holdings table for the effective date field used in the report profile. If not, NULL entity disclosure records are displayed.

  • Calculation Method. The calculation method used in the <Field> composite presentation is in accordance with the GIPS Compliance Statement. The <Field> has prepared and presented this report in compliance with GIPS.
  • Creation. The <Field> composite creation date is <Field>.
  • Currency. The currency used to express performance for the <Field> composite is <Field>.
  • Compliance Statement. The <Field> has prepared and presented this report in compliance with Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS).
  • Definition. The <Field> composite comprises all actual fee-paying discretionary portfolios managed by <Field> with a minimum initial portfolio size of <Field>. Portfolios that initially qualify are excluded later from the composite if their asset size decreases below the minimum requirement due to capital distributions. The composite was created in <Field>. Composite dispersion is measured using an asset-weighted standard deviation of returns of the portfolios.
  • Minimum Account Size. The minimum asset level for portfolios not included in the <Field> composite is <Field>.
  • Month End Valuations. Calendar month-end portfolio valuations on the last business day of the month are not used.
  • Verification. <Field> has been verified for the periods between <Field> and the present by <Field>. A copy of the verification report is available upon request.