Migration Dashboard

Migration Dashboard

The Migration Dashboard provides a quick glance of the migrated events processed through Migration Wizard by components, status, and type.

To view the Migration Dashboard:

  1. In Migration Wizard, from the left navigation, click Manage Desk > Dashboard.
    By default, you see the Dashboard workspace with the migrated events information.

  2. Navigate the sections of the dashboard:

Components Migrated: This section displays a pie chart with the details about the numbers of components that is created or updated through Migration Wizard for today, the last 7 days, and the last 30 days. Click on the label to filter the list of migration events. The lower grid populates the list of events based on the filter.

Migration by Status: This section provides the ability to view the migrated items based on Migration Status: Completed, Failed, In Progress. 

Migration by Type: This section provides the ability to view the migrated items based on Migration Type.

Migration Dashboard