Migration Wizard Import Process

Migration Wizard Import Process

Once you have completed the first phase of the migration process, the second phase is to import the .EGL file into the target environment.

To perform the import process:

  1. In Migration Wizard, from the left navigation, click Manage Desk > Dashboard.
    By default, you see the Dashboard workspace listing the migrated items processed by components, status and type..

  2. On the Home tab, in the Manage group, click Import.
    You see the Import workspace. 

  3. In the Input File section, click Browse to select the .EGL/.ZGL file for import.

  4. The Migration Manager process the input file and provides the preview of the .EGL/.ZGL content and also the migration rules that were set for the items during export. \

  5. In the Rules section, you can make changes to the rules if needed. Click >> to view the default migration rules. 
    In the Components section, the Status column displays the status of item after duplicate check. If it displays a passed status, then the item will be created by the migration import process. If the message status is that the item already exists, then the Migration Wizard applies the applicable migration rule for that particular item. 

  6. Click on the Duplicate Handling drop-down, and select a global migration rule that applies to every component in the .EGL file. Otherwise, select the migration rule for the individual component to dictate how to migrate the particular item. For example, change the rule to Overwrite the existing item in the destination, if the item already exist in the target environment.

  7. Click Import to complete the migration process.
    On successful migration, you see a message stating Imported Completed.

  8. If the migration fails, click Failure reason to see the reason for the failure.

  9. Click View log to view the migration log.
    To view the newly migrated item, go to the component's Eagle Center workspace and click the Refresh button in the target environment.

You can also import the components in their respective Eagle Center's workspace. To do so, from the ribbon, click Migrate > Import.