Installation Additional Configurations for MC2

Installation Additional Configurations for MC2

Configuring the Web Services Endpoint

In order to access the Extract Service thru a Web Service endpoint, the thin Eagle IIS server configuration has to be changed:

Change the EagleSTAR/tpe/cfg/starsecuity.ini on all THIN servers. Add the following lines to the REDIRECTURL_2SITES section:

  • 13 version:


  • 2015 version:


  • 2017 version prior to .35:


Add the following lines to the WEB_SERVICES_LIST section (only for 13 and 2015 version):


  1. Restart IIS

  2. The webservice endpoint will be http://hostname/EagleMLWebService30 (instead of the old http://hostname/EagleMLWebService20).

Configure MC2 SOAP and REST endpoints with Systems Management Center (Eagle v17R2 prior to .35)

The REST endpoint may be exposed on IIS only in Eagle product version 2017R2 and later

This section explains how to configure the SOAP and REST endpoints using System Management Center (SMC).

  1. Launch System Management Center. Sort the list of services by Type.


  2. To open a Web Server for customization, right click on it and choose Show Details. You need to change the configuration of all web servers on the region.

  3. Now open the Configuration tab and find starsecurity.ini in the list of config files.


  4. In the right part of the window you can now set the parameters in the [REDIRECTURL_2SITES] section. 
    The following parameters should be added to enable the EagleMLWebService30 Web Services/SOAP Endpoint and supported REST endpoints:

    Web Service

    [REDIRECTURL_2SITES] /EagleMLWebService30=/ext/starsecurity.dll?statelessrouter&format=soap&cmd=4600%26200%26ExecuteEagleMLRequest /EagleMLWebService30/=/ext/starsecurity.dll?statelessrouter&format=soap&cmd=4600%26200%26ExecuteEagleMLRequest /EagleMLWebService30?wsdl=/ext/starsecurity.dll?statelessrouter&format=soap&cmd=4600%26200%26wsdl20 /eagle/v2=/ext/starsecurity.dll?statelessrouter&format=json&cmd=4600%26200%26eaglemlrest /eagle/report/v1=/ext/starsecurity.dll?statelessrouter&format=json&cmd=4600%26200%26eaglemlrest /mc2=/ext/starsecurity.dll?statelessrouter&format=json&cmd=4600%26200%26eaglemlrest


  5. Save your changes with the button in the top pane

  6. Return to the Details tab and Restart  Web Server to apply the changes 

  7. Do not forget to apply this configuration to all web servers in the region.

The link to Swagger definitions for all supported REST resources may be retrieved using the link:


REST API will use the authentication provided by Eagle.

Swagger UI is available at:


Exposed APIs and Port Numbers

The Extract Service exposes several APIs on different port numbers. The MC2 base port number is defined in the system.xml as the server base port number plus the Extract Service offset. For example, if the contents in the system.xml has a base port of 20000:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<system version="1.1">
<servers baseport="20000" server_type="1" starversion="*Eagle Version 13.1*">

<server ignorewsdb="1" name="extractservice" offset="220" type="extractservice"/> 
The MC2 base port will be 20220 (20000 + 220).

  1. MC2 will initiate a TpeSend listener to process requests from the EagleMLWebService30 endpoint on the MC2 base port (i.e. 20220 in the example above).

  2. A REST API to the Eagle MC2 Extract Service at base port + 207 (i.e. 20427 in the example above).

  3. A REST API for health checks and information about the running instance of MC2 at port + 202 (i.e. 20422 in the example above). The information may be accessed at:

This request will return a JSON document with the links to all other available management/monitoring links.

This will return a simple health status check.

  1. A REST endpoint to reinitialize the rule cache at base port + 206 (i.e. 20426 in the example above). The URL will be:

The above request will reinitialize the rule cache for all of the MC2 service instances.

  1. A SOAP endpoint to execute requests, exposed directly without the TpeSend/IIS at base port + 201 (i.e. 20421 in the example above). The URL to invoke the SOAP endpoint is:

NOTE: The URL for the direct SOAP endpoint will be changed to EagleMLWebService30 in future releases.

Configuration Files

The Extract Service configuration files are located in the eagle/estar/tpe/cfg/eaglemc2s/extractservice directory. The Extract Service installs an application.yml.template file and does not change the configuration already present on the server. The application.yml.template configuration file contains all supported configuration parameters. To modify some of the parameters, create a new empty file application.yml and add the parameters to be changed to this file.
The extract service has to be restarted after the configuration file is changed.