Process Manager to Synch Mart with Warehouse

Process Manager to Synch Mart with Warehouse

Late trades and security data vendor corrections are examples of events that can create stale data in your Mart.  Using the Business Process Manager, you can automate the process of re-populating the Mart as warehouse data changes make this necessary. 

Process Manager can be set up to detect changes to the update_date field value in each of several different warehouse table.  Since a change of update_date on a given row indicates a change to table data for the row’s entity on that date, your Data Mart should be rebuilt for that entity and effective date for all tables containing data of that type.  Such a change detection rule is known as a Dynamic Process Initiator.

A Dynamic Process Initiator can then trigger a Process Workflow, which is an event or series of events required to be started when the initiator is activated.  For Data Mart, an event is a Schedule.  You can set up a Schedule to re-populate each table that must be brought into sync after a change to each type of Warehouse table covered by your Business Process Manager workflows.