Configure PACE for Advanced Reporting
This section describes PACE system settings you use to configure Advanced Reporting functions. You grant role permissions to work with Advanced Reporting via the User Administration Center. Permissions in the Advanced Reporting section allow you to manage Advanced Report Options/Parameters, Profiles, Rules, and Results. To work with these items, you have to be granted the corresponding permission, as described in the following table. The User Security settings are stored in the PROFILE_ACCESS table.
Permission | Description |
All | Grants you all available permissions to work with the items, including Options/Parameters, Profiles, Results, and Rules. |
Create | Grants you permission to create items, such as Options/Parameters, Profiles, and Rules. |
Edit | Grants you permission to edit items, such as Options/Parameters, Profiles, and Rules. |
Copy | Grants you permission to copy items, such as Options/Parameters, Profiles, Results, and Rules. It also controls permissions to publish Advanced Report profiles. |
Delete | Grants you permission to delete items, such as Options/Parameters, Profiles, and Rules. |
View | Grants you permission to view items, such as Options/Parameters, Profiles, and/or Rules. |
Submit | Grants you permission to submit Advanced Report Profiles. |
Override | Grants you permission to override Advanced Report Profiles. |
Designer Wizard User Security
The Designer wizard creates Advanced Report Rules and Profiles by default. To use this wizard, you need both the permission to create rules and the permission to create profiles, as below.
Advanced Reporting System Settings
This section describes PACE sys_item settings that configure Advanced Reporting functions.
Auto Registry Engine System Settings
Project DLLs are stored in the Auto Registry engine common files location directory on the PACE Server. This location is identified by sys_item 39 in the PACE_SYSTEM table. The file becomes registered and moves to the destination directory automatically. The project and designers names are added to the PACE_MASTER.DBO.ADV_REPORT_LIST table. The destination directory is specified by Sys_item 86 in pace_system table. This has to be specified as a local path not a UNC shared path.
The Auto Registry engine constantly checks flagged DLLs, via the report enumeration process, for new designer or RPX files. The Auto Registry engine reads the sys_item 48 record within the PACE_SYSTEM table to determine which DLLs to constantly enumerate. The sys_value should contain the DLL file name and extension that should be constantly checked. If more than one DLL should be checked continuously, the entries should be pipe (|) delimited.
Report File Retention System Setting
PACE allows the data file generated by an Advanced Report to be retained on the file system if the Advanced Report fails during processing.
Install Advanced Report Design and Test Utility
There are three components in the Advanced Report Design and Test Utility.
ADVTESTDSR.exe (Advanced Report Design and Test Utility) where all of the design work is implemented. The ADVTESTDSR.exe is the application itself. This component only needs to reside on the client workstation. All of the dependent files are automatically included with the setup. It is through this executable that all of the report definition files are created, edited and saved.
DLL eglDynamicRpt.dll, which looks for report files in a static directory. The eglDynamicRpt.dll is one of two supporting report dlls. This DLL, both on the server and on the client, always searches for a static location for the RPX report files. This DLL always searches for report files in a folder called DynamicReports relative to its own path. For example, if you install the application in the folder c:\program files\AdvRptDesign, then the DLL looks for the report files in c:\program files\AdvRptDesign\DynamicReports. This occurs on both the client and server machines.
DLL UniversalRpt.dll, which looks for reports in a directory defined by a registry setting. The Universal Rpt.dll is the second report DLL. This DLL, both on the server and on the client, searches for a registry key to define the report location. If the registry key is not found, then it behaves as the eglDynamicRpt.dll above. This means that a single shareable folder may be used as a general RPX file repository for both users who are building reports and the server when it is generating report images. The UniversalRpt.dll works as follows. In the installation directory is a folder called RegistryFile with a file named ADVTestUtil.reg. This registry file has to be modified with the designated file repository location for your environment. Then, this file must be executed on each developer’s workstation, as well as the server where the Advanced Report engines are running. This configures the registry to have the UniversalRpt.dll look in the specified file location for all of the .RPX report definition files.
Additionally, there are a number of supporting components that are installed to the C:\WINNT and C:\winnt\system32 folders. To install these components, run setup.exe
and follow the installation prompts.
Configure the Utility for a Desktop PC
The folder Adv Test and Design Utility is created during installation. In this folder is a subfolder called DynamicReports. The eglDynamicRpt.dll always looks for Report Design files in this folder. The UniversalRpt.dll first checks for specified registry information. If that data is not found, then it looks in the DynamicReports folder. All RPX design files should be placed into this DynamicReports directory or into the shared .rpx file repository defined in the registry.
Configure the Utility for Server
To execute these reports through the PACE Server, the server should be running PACE 2001 Second Edition or later.
To configure the server:
Copy the eglDynamicRpt.dll and the UniversalRpt.dll to the server location where the existing advanced report dlls are stored. If no folder is created for advanced report dlls, within the Server folder, create a subfolder called AdvancedRptDlls. Once the files are copied register the files using regsvr32.exe.
Create a subfolder within the AdvancedRptDlls folder called DynamicReports. Place all RPX design files into this DynamicReports folder.
An engine is responsible for registering report DLLs. If you are using this utility, there are some special considerations with the AutoDllRegistry engine. Contact the Advanced Reporting group at Eagle for additional instructions.
To transfer an advanced report designer from the local PC to the server, move the RPX file into the DynamicReports folder on the server or into the designated RPX repository folder. Assuming the PACE_SYSTEM 48 record is correctly updated with the name of the Static DLL, no additional action is required.
Install Advanced Reports .NET Add-in
Before you can develop an Advanced Report project in Visual Basic .NET, you must install the Advanced Reports .NET Add-in component on the report developer’s machine. Before running this installation, install Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and ActiveReports .NET locally.
The Advanced Reports .NET Add-in installation program is located on the PACE installation directory. Within the PACE directory, map to the ADVANCED_REPORTING_TOOLS_AND_UTILITIES folder, and then to the Advanced Reports .NET folder. The setup program is found in that directory.
To install the add-in:
Double-click the Setup.exe file to open the Eagle PACE Reports – InstallShield wizard.
In the wizard, select the install destination location, and then select the Client setup type.
Click Next to install the software.
Click Finish when the installation routine is complete.
This installation procedure also installs the Advanced Reports Test utility.
The primary files installed by this routine are AdvReportTestUtility.exe, UniversalReport.dll, and EaglePaceAddin.dll. The AdvReportTestUtility.exe launches the Advanced Reports Test utility. The UniversalReport.dll is the .NET version of the universal report that can be run through the PACE Server with any underlying report profile. The EaglePaceAddin.dll launches the Eagle menus within Visual Basic .NET when designing Advanced Reports.
Troubleshoot Crystal Report Issues
Use the universal DLL, UniversalReportCR.dll, to troubleshoot report issues that involve Crystal Reports. This file is located in the \\server\dot net directory. This DLL is also installed on the client’s PC when the 2005 add-in is installed.
There are three Crystal .NET report files. You can use these reports in an Advanced Report rule for troubleshooting a Crystal Report. The Advanced Report Tester does not support UniversalReport.rpt; however, you can use the report in Advanced Reporting.
These files, located in the \\server\dotnet folder, include:
SubPcrePkg.rpt. This is a subreport used inside the UniversalLite.rpt file.