How to Use the Toolbars

IWS has three main work areas accessible via the Solution, WorkSheet, and Settings tabs.

Solution Tab Toolbar

In the Solution tab, you can create, save, publish, run, and monitor a solution as well as access the XPanels module for the advanced panel extension features.

Solutions Tab toolbar

The following table lists the Solution toolbar options.

Toolbar Option


Toolbar Option


Create New Solution

Creates a brand new solution.

Open Solution

Opens an existing solution.

Close Solution

Closes the current solution. If you have made any changes, you will receive a warning that unsaved changes will be lost and you will have the option of saving before closing.

Save Solution

Saves the current solution. Saves only the mapping between the objects. If any object properties are changed, Save Solution does not take those changes into account and you must click Save All Files under the Worksheet tab.

Add to Favorites

Marks current solution as a favorite. If you click Open Solution and click Favorites, this solution (as well as any others you have marked as Favorite) will be displayed on the right. This option allows you quick access to the most frequently used solutions.


Publishes the solution to your Eagle environment.


Publishes the solution and runs it (you will be prompted to select a data file to be processed), displaying the result in the Monitoring Tool. Use this feature when testing your solution.


Saves the solution to your local drive. You will be prompted to select a path. The solution will be saved as a .zip file.


Loads the solution to your local drive. This allows you to move a solution created in one environment (and exported) to another environment and then access the solution with IWS.

Print Solution

Prints out the solution diagram. Currently, this prints only a high level diagram.

Open XPanel

Allows you to manage panel extensions. This is an advanced feature used when panel extensions are required.

Show RTR Preview

Allows you to view the Run Task Request (RTR) message for the current workflow.


Opens the Monitoring Tool in a separate window. This tool filters on the currently open solution and displays processes that ran only for this solution. The Monitoring tool is read-only, you can view which processes have and have not run, but you cannot run or rerun processes from this tool.

EBS Tool

Opens EBS application in a separate window.

WorkSheet Tab Toolbar

In the WorkSheet tab, you can manage and validate the worksheet and save all files in the solution.

Worksheet Tab toobar

The following table lists the WorkSheet toolbar options.

 Toolbar Option


 Toolbar Option


Save File

Saves the current worksheet.

Print Worksheet

Prints the worksheet.


Provides standard cut clipboard functionality.


Undoes your last edit on the worksheet.


Reapplies your last edit on the worksheet that you had previous undone.


Validates the logic in the worksheet.


With the Pin option, when you scroll down the worksheet, the Source and Destination grids are always visible in the same position. Use the Pin option in a busy worksheet to keep Source and Destination visible as you scroll. Click Unpin to allow regular scrolling.

Preview Export

Allows you to preview the solution export.


Allows you to view the properties of this worksheet.

Show Worksheet Info

Allows you to view information on worksheet errors, warnings, and execution order.

Settings Tab Toolbar

In the Settings tab, you can manage solution and workflow settings.

The following table lists the Settings toolbar options.

Toolbar Options


Toolbar Options


Workflow Settings

Allows you to set TSR Name prefix, ACK Name Prefix, Custom TSR Location, Custom ACK Location, TSR Name Case, TSR Name Pattern, Emails for Notifications, and whether to send notifications (always/never/on failure). Used in conjunction with the Build Workflow Tree option.

Reinitialize MC Cache

Re-initializes Message Center's rule file cache. This action is included here for special cases only, since saving and publishing the solution automatically refreshes MC cache.