Extract and Load Solution Implementation
You can extract and load data via the following Eagle-provided sample IWS workflow solutions:
The following table summarizes the status of the currently supported EagleML types and the associated load and extract process names.
NOTE: The Extract/Load File Name Pattern column contains patterns that must be used in names of files to be loaded via the generic_load. The same pattern is applied to extract file names. For example, if you perform an Entity List extract, a file with the name GEN_EXTRACT_150901110525_ENTITYLIST_246.xml is created. At the same time, to load an Entity List file to the database correctly, the file name must contain the _ENTITYLIST_ pattern.
In this section
Sub Group | Supported EagleML Type | Extract/Load File Name Pattern | Load Process Name | Extract Process Name | Comments/Status |
SMF | Generic SMF | _GENERICSMF_ | load_generic_smf | extract_generic_smf |
Generic SMF MI | _GENERICSMFMI_ | load_generic_smf_mi |
| Inbound-only | |
Multiple Leg SMF | _MULTILEGSMF_ | load_generic_multi_leg_smf |
| Inbound-only | |
ENTITY | Entity List | _ENTITYLIST_ | load_entity_list | extract_entity_list |
Entity To List | _ENTITYTOLIST_ | load_entity_to_list |
| Inbound-only | |
Entities In List | _ENTITIESINLIST_ | load_entities_in_list | extract_entities_in_list | In development/modification | |
Entity Composite | _ENTITYCOMPOSITE_ | load_entity_composite | extract_entity_composite |
| |
Entity To Composite | _ENTITYTOCOMPOSITE_ | load_entity_to_composite |
| Inbound-only | |
Composite Entity List | _COMPOSITEENTITYLIST_ | load_entities_in_composite | extract_entities_in_composite | In development/modification | |
Entity Bank Relationship | _ENTITYBANKRELATIONSHIP_ | load_entity_bank_relationship | extract_entity_bank_relationship |
| |
Entity Accounting Basis | _ENTITYACCOUNTINGBASIS_ | load_entity_accounting_basis | extract_entity_accounting_basis |
| |
Entity XREF | _ENTITYXREF_ | load_entity_xref |
| |
Generic Entity | _GENERICENTITY_ | load_generic_entity | extract_generic_entity |
| |
Entity Manager | _ENTITYMANAGER_ | load_entity_manager | extract_entity_manager |
| |
Entity Manager Relationship | _ENTITYMANAGERRELATIONSHIP_ | load_entity_manager_relationship | extract_entity_manager_relationship |
| |
Entity Identifiers | _ENTITYIDENTIFIERS_ | load_entity_identifiers | extract_entity_identifiers | In development/modification | |
Entity Accounting Periods | _ENTITYACCOUNTINGPERIODS_ | load_entity_accounting_periods | extract_entity_accounting_periods |
| |
GIPS Composite | _GIPSCOMPOSITE_ | load_gips_composite | extract_gips_composite |
| |
Entity Benchmark Assignment | _BENCHMARKASSIGNMENT_ | load_entity_benchmark_assignment |
| Inbound-only | |
Entity Entitlement List | _ENTITYENTITLEMENTLIST_ |
| extract_entity_entitlement_list | Extract-only | |
Entity Share Class | _ENTITYSHARECLASS_ |
| extract_entity_share_class | Extract-only | |
Entity Sec Lending | _ENTITYSECLENDING_ | load_entity_seclending | extract_entity_seclending |
| |
Entity Statistics | _ENTITYSTATISTICS_ | load_entity_statistics | extract_entity_statistics |
| |
Entity Analytics | _ENTITYANALYTIC_ | load_entity_analytics | extract_entity_analytics |
| |
Entity Collateral Summ | _ENTITYCOLLATERALSUMM_ | load_entity_collateral_summ | extract_entity_collateral_summ |
| |
Entity Regulatory | _ENTITYREGULATORY_ | load_entity_regulatory | extract_entity_regulatory |
| |
Entity Peer Group Rankings | _ENTITYPEERGROUPRANKINGS_ | load_entity_peer_group_rantings | extract_entity_peer_group_rantings |
| |
Entity Ratings | _ENTITYRATINGS_ | load_entity_ratings | extract_entity_ratings |
| |
Custom Benchmark | _CUSTOMBENCHMARK_ | load_custom_benchmark |
| Inbound-only | |
RULE | Month End Date Rule | _MONTHENDDATERULE_ | load_rule_month_end_date | extract_rule_month_end_date |
Earn Thru Rule | _EARNTHRURULE_ | load_rule_earn_thru | extract_rule_earn_thru |
| |
Contractual Cash Settlement Rule | _CONTRACTUALCASHSETTLEMENTRULE_ | load_rule_contractual_cash_settlement | extract_rule_contractual_cash_settlement |
| |
Contract Cash Rule | _CONTRACTCASHRULE_ | load_rule_contract_cash | extract_rule_contract_cash |
| |
Basis Processing Rule | _BASISPROCESSINGRULE_ | load_rule_basis_processing | extract_rule_basis_processing |
| |
Backup Withholding Rule | _BACKUPWITHHOLDINGRULE_ | load_rule_backup_withholding | extract_rule_backup_withholding |
| |
Amortization Schedule Rule | _AMORTIZATIONSCHEDULERULE_ | load_rule_amortization_schedule | extract_rule_amortization_schedule |
| |
Accounting Rule | _ACCOUNTINGRULE_ | load_rule_accounting | extract_rule_accounting |
| |
Primary Mixed Cost Basis Rule | _PRIMARYMIXEDCOSTBASISRULE_ | load_rule_primary_mixed_cost_basis | extract_rule_primary_mixed_cost_basis |
| |
Warehouse | Warehouse Open Lot | _WAREHOUSEOPENLOT_ | load_warehouse_openlot |
Warehouse Open Lot XMLDBAPI | _WAREHOUSEOPENLOTXMLDBAPI_ | load_warehouse_openlot_xmldbapi | extract_warehouse_openlot |
| |
Warehouse Close Lot | _WAREHOUSECLOSELOT_ | load_warehouse_closelot | extract_warehouse_closelot |
| |
Warehouse Position | _WAREHOUSEPOSITION_ | load_warehouse_position |
| |
Warehouse Position XMLDBAPI | _WAREHOUSEPOSITIONXMLDBAPI_ | load_warehouse_position_xmldbapi | extract_warehouse_position |
| |
Warehouse Trade | _WAREHOUSETRADE_ | load_warehouse_trade | extract_warehouse_trade |
| |
Warehouse Trade Charges | _WAREHOUSETRADECHARGES_ | load_warehouse_trade_charges |
| Inbound-only | |
Warehouse Cash Activity | _WAREHOUSECASHACTIVITY_ | load_warehouse_cash_activity | extract_warehouse_cash_activity |
| |
Warehouse Performance | _WAREHOUSEPERFORMANCE_ | load_warehouse_performance | extract_warehouse_performance |
| |
Warehouse GL Balances | _WAREHOUSEGLBALANCES_ | load_warehouse_glbalances | extract_warehouse_glbalances |
| |
Warehouse NAV | _WAREHOUSENAV_ | load_warehouse_nav | extract_warehouse_nav |
| |
Warehouse NAV Multi | _WAREHOUSENAVMULTI_ | load_warehouse_nav_multi | extract_warehouse_nav_multi |
| |
Warehouse Pending Trade | _WAREHOUSEPENDINGTRADE_ | load_warehouse_pending_trade | extract_warehouse_pending_trade |
| |
Warehouse Broker Trade Quote | _WAREHOUSEBROKERTRADEQUOTE_ | load_warehouse_broker_trade_quote | extract_warehouse_broker_trade_quote |
| |
Warehouse Cash Flow Projection | _WAREHOUSECASHFLOWPROJECTION_ | load_warehouse_cash_flow_projection | extract_warehouse_cash_flow_projection |
| |
Trade Quotes | _TRADEQUOTES_ | load_trade_quotes | extract_trade_quotes |
| |
Warehouse Trade XREF | _WAREHOUSETRADEXREFERENCE_ | load_warehouse_trade_xreference |
| Inbound-only | |
Custody Restriction Activity | _CUSTODYRESTRICTIONACTIVITY_ |
| extract_custody_restriction_activity | Extract-only | |
Custody Restriction Balance | _CUSTODYRESTRICTIONBALANCE_ |
| extract_custody_restriction_balance | Extract-only | |
Warehouse Insurance Valuation Lot | _INSURANCEVALUATIONLOT_ |
| extract_warehouse_istarlot | Extract-only | |
Warehouse Disclosure Status | _WAREHOUSEDISCLOSURESTATUS_ | load_warehouse_disclosure_status | extract_warehouse_disclosure_status | MAY2017 | |
Warehouse SPD Delta Log | _WRHSSPDDELTALOGEXTRACT_ | load_warehouse_spd_delta_log | extract_spd_delta_log |
| |
ISSUER | Issuer MI | _ISSUERMI_ | load_issuer_mi |
| Inbound-only |
Issuer | _ISSUER_ | load_issuer | extract_issuer |
| |
Issuer Organization | _ISSUERORGANIZATION_ | load_issuer_organization | extract_issuer_organization |
| |
Issuer Role | _ISSUERROLE_ | load_issuer_role | extract_issuer_role |
| |
Issuer Entity Relationship | _ISSUERENTITYRELATIONSHIP_ | load_issuer_entity_relationship | extract_issuer_entity_relationship | MAY2017 | |
Issuer Relationship | _ISSUERRELATIONSHIP_ | load_issuer_relationship | extract_issuer_relationship |
| |
Issuer Rating | _ISSUERRATING_ |
| extract_issuer_rating |
| |
Role Model | _ROLEMODEL_ | load_issuer_role_model |
| Inbound-only | |
Issuer Xref | _ISSUERXREF_ | load_issuer_xref |
| Inbound-only | |
Issuer Regulatory | _ISSUERREGULATORY_ | load_issuer_regulatory | extract_issuer_regulatory |
| |
Issuer ESG | _ISSUERESG_ | load_issuer_isg | extract_issuer_esg |
| |
System | Code Value | _CODEVALUE_ | load_code_value | extract_code_value |
Code Category | _CODECATEGORY_ | load_code_category | extract_code_category |
| |
Code Translation | _CODETRANSLATION_ | load_code_translation | extract_code_translation |
| |
Calendar | _CALENDAR_ | load_calendar | extract_calendar |
| |
Calendar Holiday | _CALENDARHOLIDAY_ | load_calendar_holiday | extract_calendar_holiday |
| |
Calendar Business Dates | _CALENDARBUSINESSDATES_ |
| extract_calendar_business_dates | Extract-only | |
Error Definition | _ERRORDEFINITION_ | load_error_definition | extract_error_definition |
| |
Yield Curve | _YIELDCURVE_ | load_yield_curve | extract_yield_curve |
| |
Run Time Stamps | _RUNTIMESTAMPS_ |
| extract_run_time_stamps | Extract-only | |
Ledger Notes | _LEDGERNOTES_ | load_ledger_notes | extract_ledger_notes |
| |
GIPS Disclosures | _GIPSDISCLOSURES_ | load_gips_disclosures | extract_gips_disclosures |
| |
Security Related | Issue Analytic | _ISSUEANALYTIC_ | load_issue_analytic |
| Inbound-only |
Issue Fx Rate | _ISSUEFXRATE_ | load_issue_fx_rate | extract_issue_fx_rate |
| |
Issue Pc Price | _ISSUEPCPRICE_ | load_issue_pc_price |
| Inbound-only | |
Issue Price | _ISSUEPRICE_ | load_issue_price | extract_issue_price |
| |
Issue Variable Rate | _ISSUEVARIABLERATE_ | load_issue_variable_rate | extract_issue_variable_rate |
| |
Issue Fx Pc Rate | _ISSUEFXPCRATE_ | load_issue_fx_pc_rate | extract_issue_fx_pc_rate |
| |
Generic Issue Analytic | _GENERICISSUEANALYTIC_ | load_generic_issue_analytic | extract_generic_issue_analytic |
| |
Exchange Price | _EXCHANGEPRICE_ | load_exchange_price | extract_issue_exchange_price |
| |
Schedule | _SCHEDULE_ | load_schedule | extract_schedule |
| |
Rating | _RATING_ | load_rating | extract_rating |
| |
Vendor Cash Flow | _VENDORCASHFLOW_ | load_vendor_cash_flow |
| Inbound-only | |
Security Notes | _SECURITYNOTES_ | load_security_notes |
| Inbound-only | |
Factor | _FACTOR_ | load_factor | extract_factor |
| |
Model Price | _MODELPRICE_ | load_model_price |
| Inbound-only | |
SMF Identifiers | _SMFIDENTIFIERS_ | load_smfidentifiers | extract_smfidentifiers | In development/modification | |
Time Series | _TIMESERIES_ | load_time_series | extract_time_series |
| |
SMF Identifier | _SMFIDENTIFIER_ | load_smf_identifier |
| |
Underlying SMF | _UNDERLYINGSMF_ | load_underlying_smf |
| Inbound-only | |
Recovery Rate | _RECOVERYRATE_ | load_recovery_rate |
| Inbound-only | |
Earnings Time Period Model | _EARNINGSTIMEPERIODMODEL_ | load_earnings_time_period_model |
| Inbound-only, load for the SMF model | |
Forward Points | _FORWARDPOINTS_ |
| extract_forward_points | Extract-only | |
Security Overrides | _SECURITYOVERRIDES_ |
| extract_security_overrides | Extract-only | |
| extract_naic_designation | Extract-only | |
Earnings Time Period | _EARNINGSTIMEPERIOD_ | load_earnings_time_period | extract_earnings_time_period | Load/Extract for Earnings Time Period object | |
Client | Client | _CLIENT_ | load_client | extract_client |
Client Communication | _CLIENTCOMMUNICATION_ | load_client_communication | extract_client_communication |
| |
Corporate Action | GenericCA | _GENERICCA_ | load_generic_ca | extract_generic_ca |
VoluntaryCAElection | _VOLUNTARYCAELECTION_ | load_voluntary_ca_election | extract_voluntary_ca_election |
| |
MandatoryCAExclusion | _MANDATORYCAEXCLUSION_ | load_mandatory_ca_exclusion |
| Inbound-only | |
Financial Event | Financial Event | _FINANCIALEVENT_ |
| extract_financial_event | Extract-only |
Accounting | Cost Basis Adjustment | _COSTBASISADJUSTMENT_ | load_accounting_cost_basis_adjustment |
| Inbound-only |
Accounting Trade | _ACCOUNTINGTRADE_ | load_accounting_trade | extract_accounting_trade |
| |
Accounting Cash | _ACCOUNTINGCASH_ | load_accounting_cash |
| Inbound-only | |
Accounting Asset Cash | _ACCOUNTINGASSETCASH_ | load_accounting_asset_cash |
| Inbound-only | |
Accounting Reclaim Cash | _ACCOUNTINGRECLAIMCASH_ | load_accounting_reclaim_cash |
| Inbound-only | |
Multiple Leg Accounting Trade | _MULTIPLELEGACCOUNTINGTRADE_ | load_accounting_trade_multi_leg |
| Inbound-only | |
Impairments | _IMPAIRMENTS_ | load_accounting_impairments |
| Inbound-only (available since NOV2015 release) | |
Accrued Income | _ACCRUEDINCOME_ |
| extract_accounting_accrued_income | Extract-only | |
Subscribe Reedem | _SUBSCRIBEREEDEM_ |
| extract_accounting_subscribe_reedem | Extract-only | |
Daily Yield Mill Rate | _DAILYYIELDMILLRATE_ |
| extract_accounting_daily_mill_rate | Extract-only | |
Unsettled Transactions | _UNSETTLEDTRANSACTIONS_ |
| extract_accounting_unsettled_trans | Extract-only | |
Cash Journal | _CASHJOURNAL_ |
| extract_accounting_cash_journal | Extract-only | |
Realized Gain Loss | _REALIZEDGAINLOSS_ |
| extract_accounting_realized_gl | Extract-only | |
Settled Cash Activity | _SETTLEDCA_ |
| extract_accounting_settled_ca | Extract-only | |
Consolidated Earned Income | _CONSEARNEDINCOME_ |
| extract_accounting_cons_earned_income | Extract-only | |
General Ledger Activity | _GENERALLEDGERACTIVITY_ |
| extract_accounting_gl_activity | Extract-only | |
Traded Cash Activity | _TRADEDCASHACTIVITY_ |
| extract_accounting_traded_cash_activity | Extract-only | |
Distribution Activity | _DISTRIBUTIONACT_ |
| extract_accounting_distribution_activity | Extract-only | |
Cash Projections | _CASHPROJECTIONS_ |
| extract_cash_projections | Extract-only | |
Custom Ledger Account | _CUSTLEDGERACCT_ |
| extract_accounting_custom_ledger_acct | Extract-only | |
Open Rec Pay Multi | _OPENRECPAYMULTI_ |
| extract_accounting_open_rec_pay_multi | Extract-only | |
Unapproved Variation Margin | _UNAPPROVEDVARMARGIN_ |
| extract_accounting_unapproved_var_margin | Extract-only | |
| extract_accounting_trial_balance | Extract-only | |
Accounting Intraday NAV | _INTRADAYNAV_ |
| extract_accounting_intraday_nav | Extract-only | |
Accounting NAV for NASDAQ | _NAVFORNASDAQ_ |
| extract_accounting_nav_for_nasdaq | Extract-only | |
Accounting Fair Value Comparison | _FAIRVALUECOMPARISON_ |
| extract_accounting_fair_value_comparison | Extract-only |