Generic Data Extract Solution

Generic Data Extract Solution

The data extract IWS workflow solution, eagle_wrf_generic_extract, has been created. This solution allows you to extract data from the database and archive the extract results.

The eagle_wrf_generic_extract solution replaces the old eagle_extractor solution.

With this data extract solution, you can:

  1. Start the data extract IWS workflow solution (Step 1).
    To start the extract solution, you have to manually send a Control Message to the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_control_message stream. Data extract is triggered.

  2. Calculation Date step (using Pace Date API) – optional step (Step 2).

  3. Extract data from the database (Step 3). In each supported extract object group, the extract processes are executed.

  4. Archive the data extracts (Step 4). Data extracts are archived by the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_packer message stream. 

The following diagram shows the steps in the data extract IWS workflow solution.

In this section


Data Extract in IWS workflow solution