Create a Custom Data Object from a Blank Template

Create a Custom Data Object from a Blank Template

You can create a custom Data Object from a blank template. 

To create a custom Data Object from a blank template:

  1. Open IWS for EDS interfaces (EDS Tool) and in the left navigation, click New.
    You see the Choose a type for your new item page.

    Choose EDS Data Object
  2. Under Eagle Data Service, click EDS Data Object for the new solution.
    You see the Create New EDS Data Object section.

    Create New Data Object from Blank Template
  3. At the bottom of the page, select the From Blank Template option to indicate that you do not want your custom dataset based on any other Data Object.

  4. In the Name box, enter a proper name for your Data Object.

  5. Click Create.
    You see the EDS Data Object Definition form for the new Data Object. When the Data Object is created, it is open for editing.

  6. Complete the options in the EDS Data Object Definition form. 
    For information about the options available on this form, see EDS Data Object Definition Form Options.

  7. On the Solution tab, in the Manage group, click Save. 
    You see the Save current DataObject Definition box. 

  8. Click Save.
    You can now close the form.

  9. On the Solution tab, in the Manage group, click Close.