TRS Valuation Processing Notes
TRS Valuation is based on Return Leg prices. It can be priced on a daily basis, and unrealized gain/loss is calculated based on the day-to-day price movements. The contract should not be priced.
Add Issue Price can be accessed through Issue Viewer, SRM, or Reference Data Center (RDC)
The contract and finance leg are filtered out, ensuring that only return legs are available
If a price is loaded to the return leg's underlying for Effective Date (1109), it will be pulled into the screen automatically when the return leg is retrieved
You must click Submit to add this price to the return leg
Rules can be established in Pricing Center to automatically pull the underlying price up to the return leg; refer to TRS Price from Underlying Processing Notes for more information
Total Market Value of TRS = Cumulative Unrealized Gain/Loss Return Leg + PTD Accrual Finance Leg
Cumulative Unrealized G/L = Shares * (Current Price - Initial Price)
Effective Date | Issue Name | Price |
2008.06.11 | EQUITY INDEX SWAP HIMALAYA/CDOR (ESD1455)_EQUITY_R | 0.18950000 |
2008.06.12 | EQUITY INDEX SWAP HIMALAYA/CDOR (ESD1455)_EQUITY_R | 0.18970000 |
2008.06.13 | EQUITY INDEX SWAP HIMALAYA/CDOR (ESD1455)_EQUITY_R | 0.19500000 |
Effective Date | Equity Shares | Price Change | URGL | Cumulative URGL |
2008.06.12 | 8,741,881.00 | 0.00020000 | 1,748.38 | 1,748.38 |
2008.06.13 | 8,741,881.00 | 0.00530000 | 46,331.97 | 48,080.35 |