Mexican Title Bonds (CETES) Best Practices


This document applies to all releases of Eagle software. Version-dependent functionality is noted with the initial release(s) it became available.

Reference Data

Mexican CETES should be setup as Short Term Debt using Issue Viewer, Security Reference Manager, or Reference Data Center (RDC). The list below contains all fields required to configure a Mexican CETES security master file (SMF).

  • Issue Name (961)

  • Primary Asset ID Type (1432)

  • Primary Asset ID (14)

  • Processing Security Type (3931) = DBDCST (Non Interest Bearing Discount Bond/Note)

  • Price Multiplier (18) = 1.00

  • Issue Country (1418)

  • Asset Currency (85)

  • Settlement Currency (63)

  • Income Currency (1186)

  • Primary Exchange (17)

  • Coupon Type (97) = F (Fixed)

  • Day Count Basis (471)

  • Payment Frequency (472) = MAT (At Maturity)

  • Issue Price (69)

  • Issue Date (68)

  • Dated Date (1183)

  • First Coupon Date (473)

  • Last Coupon Date (474)

  • Maturity Date (38)

  • Maturity Price (42)

  • OID Indicator (218) = No

  • Zero Coupon Indicator (1300) = Yes

Trade Processing

Trades should be processed using the Book Trade module. The lists below contains all fields required to book a Mexican CETES trade, which are the same for both opens and closes.

  • Trade Date (35)

  • Settlement Date (37)

  • Issue Name (961)

  • Cross Reference ID (1233)

  • Par Value (40)

  • Price per $100 of Par Value (45)

  • Settlement Currency (63)

  • Broker (88)


Once a Mexican CETES position has been established it will follow all core Eagle Accounting processes.

Supplemental Documentation

See attached files for:

  • Bloomberg DES screen: Mexican CETES BB DES.gif

  • Bloomberg BXT screen: Mexican CETES BB BXT.gif

  • Sample security setup and trade in Eagle: