About the Multiple Settlements Default Message Stream

About the Multiple Settlements Default Message Stream

The Multiple Settlements default message stream is used to settle cash activity for multiple cash transactions, reverse settled cash transactions, and make adjustments to the actual settlement and the amount to be settled.

Multiple settlement transactions are processed using the following streams:

  • eagle_default_in_csv_multi_settlements

  • eagle_default_in_star_multi_settlements

Sample records, required data fields, as well as panels, binds, and stored procedures for the Multiple Settlements stream are described in the following pages.

To review the results of cash settlement processing in the database, you can run the Cash Journal report for settled activity or you can use the Position Viewer tool to submit a query to view the cash positions for each entity processed and view the results in the Cash Position - Asset Currency tab’s Settled tab. Note that a cash position is not created in the system until the cash activity actually settles. For information about manually settling cash activity, see Process Manual Cash Settlements.

This stream is not supported in the generic _ALL streams because the event types supported in this stream are the same events supported in other streams, such that the routing would not work correctly.


You can use this stream to settle multiple events at one time. The key tag in the corresponding Run Multiple Settlements panel is tag 1076 (Write Off Remaining Amount).

While tags 26 (Target Event ID) and 761 (Trade Ticket Number) are not required to settle events, they are supported if sent on the data file. In addition, tag 40 (Units) on the incoming data file should have the same value as the event you are targeting to settle. Otherwise the record fails.

The stream code allows 120 days to go back to target an event unless you pass a value into tag 220 (Report Start Date) of a date older than 120 days from the date the file is dropped.