About the Expense Reimbursement Default Message Stream
The Expense Reimbursement default message streams are used to load expense reimbursements, expense reimbursement rules, expense based expense accruals, variable expenses, fixed expenses, and expense or waiver adjustments used in Eagle mutual fund accounting.
Expense reimbursements are loaded using the following streams:
To review the results of processing in the database, you can use the List Expense Reimbursements panel or the List Expense Reimbursement Rules panel. For general information, see Manage Expense Reimbursements. For expense based expense accruals, variable expenses, or fixed expenses, you can use the List All Expenses panel, List Expense Based Expense Accrual panel, List Variable Expense panel, or the List Fixed Expense panel. For general information, see Manage Expense Based Expense Accruals, Manage Variable Expenses, Manage Fixed Expenses, and Adjust Expense Postings.
Ensure you set the event type (tag 55) and Update Indicator (tag 1076) in the incoming message.
Tag 1076 is an Y/N indicator used within message stream process. Valid values:
B = Both. Check for existing match. If found, update record; else insert.
Alternately, you can use the following valid values for tag 1076:
I = Insert
U = Update
D = Delete, where delete is supported.
The following table lists the events and processing rules used by the Expense Reimbursement default setup stream.
Expense Setup | Event (tag 55) | Update Indicator ins_upd (tag 1076) | CSV/STAR Rule |
Create Expense Reimbursement Rule | ADD_REIMBURSE_RULE | I | csv- /or/ star-exp_reimbursement.xml |
Edit Expense Reimbursement Rule | ADD_REIMBURSE_RULE | U | |
Delete Expense Reimbursement Rule | ADD_REIMBURSE_RULE | D | |
Create Expense Reimbursement | ADD_FEE_REIMBURSE | I | |
Edit Expense Reimbursement | ADD_FEE_REIMBURSE | U | |
Delete Expense Reimbursement | ADD_FEE_REIMBURSE | D | |
Create Expense Based Expense Accrual | INSENTITYFEERULE | N | |
Edit Expense Based Expense Accrual | INSENTITYFEERULE | Y | |
Close Expense Based Expense Accrual | INSENTITYFEERULE | D | |
Create Variable Expense | ADD_VAR_EXP | N | |
Edit Variable Expense | ADD_VAR_EXP | Y | |
Close Variable Expense | ADD_VAR_EXP | D | |
Create Fixed Expense | ADD_FIX_EXP | N | |
Edit Fixed Expense | ADD_FIX_EXP | Y | |
Close Fixed Expense | ADD_FIX_EXP | D | |
Create Expense or Waiver Adjustment | FEEADJUST |