About the Cash Default Message Stream
The Cash default message stream is used to add cash transaction information.
Cash transactions are processed using the following streams:
The following data tables are described for Cash:
Conversion Cash Trades Only data table
Miscellaneous Cash Transactions data table
Miscellaneous Income/Expense - Asset Specific data table
Cancel Cash Entitlements data table
The Cash default message streams use several rules, panels, binds, and stored procedures to complete processing, based on the Event Type (tag 55) in the incoming cash transaction.
The following table lists the event types and processing rules used by the Cash message streams.
Event Type | CSV Rule | STAR Rule |
OPEN_CASHDIV | csv-cashdiv.xml | star-cashdiv.xml |
COUPON | csv-coupon.xml | star- coupon.xml |
RECLAIM | csv-reclaim.xml | star-reclaim.xml |
CONTRIBUTION | csv-cash.xml | star-cash.xml |
AMISCINC | csv-asset_specific_misc_inc_exp.xml | star-asset_specific_misc_inc_exp.xml |
CANCELCASH | csv-cancelcash.xml | star- cancelcash.xml |