About the Add Code Translations Default Message Stream
The eagle_default_in_csv_addcodetranslations default message stream is used to load sources, code categories, code values, and code translations.
This stream is available in CSV format only. ItĀ is unlike other CSV streams because it uses column order, not column headers, to parse data.
The stream is only designed to add data; updates are not supported. The first column is case sensitive and must contain lowercase values. Sample records, required data fields, as well as panels, binds, and stored procedures for the Add Code Translations stream are described in the following pages.
Multilingual Implementation
You can load code values in a foreign language using the following streams:
Code values in an Eagle multilingual implementation are stored to special code values tables in the PACE_MASTER database using table names ending in "_ml".
The following is an example of data loaded to the EGL_GENERIC_XLATION_ML table.
Eagle's Translation Center also maintains multilingual code values for the Code Values table.