BATCH ID Resolution

BATCH ID Resolution

Position #2 in BATCH ID is only required if needing to resolve ENTITY from RULESDBO.ENTITY_XREFERENCE. Otherwise this can be left blank (for example, ^^).

Field #1 (BATCH ID) is a required field and will contain these values which will be parsed by the stream, ENTITY_ID, ENTITY_XREF_TYPE (if required), END EFFECTIVE DATE, SOURCE NAME, FREQUENCY CODE, PERF MODEL, and LEVEL:

  • ENTITY_ID resolution: If using ENTITY XREF, proceed to ENTITY XREF resolution. If not using ENTITY XREF for entity resolution, the ENTITY_ID resolution will be performed as follows. The procedure will resolve the record to the proper Entity ID based on the value provided in ENTITY ID of the BATCH ID. The procedure will select ENTITY_ID from RULESDBO.ENTITY where ENTITY_ID=Incoming ENTITY_ID in BATCH ID field (Field #1, position #1):

    • If a match is found, the ENTITY ID is resolved and will be used to insert data to the performance tables.

    • If a match is not found, the batch will fail with error "Entity Id Not Found".

  • ENTITY XREF resolution: This is only required if using XREF to resolve ENTITY ID. If not, skip to END EFFECTIVE DATE resolution. The procedure will attempt to select ENTITY_ID from RULESDBO.ENTITY_XREFERENCE where XREF_ACCOUNT_ID = Incoming ENTITY_ID (Position #1 in batch) and XREF_ACCOUNT_ID_TYPE = incoming XREF TYPE (Position #2 in batch):

    • If a match is found, the ENTITY ID is resolved and will be used to insert data to the performance tables.

    • If a match is not found, the batch will fail with error "Entity Id Not Found".

  • END EFFECTIVE DATE:  Date should be represented as YYYYMMDD and will be used for inserting records to the performance tables.

  • SOURCE NAME resolution: Each record to be inserted to the performance tables will be associated with a source. The procedure will resolve the incoming source by selecting the SHORT_DESCRIPTION from PACE_MASTERDBO.INTERFACES where LONG_DESCIPTION = Incoming SOURCE NAME (position #4 in batch):

    • If source is not found, the batch will fail.

    • If source is found, this integer will be used to insert values into the performance tables as the SRC_INTFC_INST.

  • FREQUENCY CODE: The frequency code should be passed as D, M or Q and will determine the periodicity of the return being loaded (Daily, Monthly or Quarterly).

  • PERF MODEL resolution: A performance dictionary (model) must be established in the target environment prior to any data load. If one does not exist, contact your Eagle Representative to review the alternatives for establishing a performance dictionary. To load the returns to the appropriate performance model, the procedure will perform a lookup in the RULES.DICTIONARIES table and select DICTIONARY_ID where DICTIONARY_NAME is equal to PERF MODEL (Position #6 in batch):

    • If the result is NULL, the procedure will generate an error with the message: "Invalid Dictionary/Model Name."

    • If the result is NOT NULL, the procedure will consider the result to be the DICTIONARY_ID variable.

  • LEVEL: The level of performance data shall be passed as "P" or "S". "P" will represent any row that is segment or total level performance while "S" will designate if it is a security level return record and will force security resolution lookup below. For example, the Eagle PACE sourced, 2004-11-30 Daily Return for entity "ENTITY1" and Performance Model "TOTAL SECTOR" would have the following batch identifier:  "ENTITY1^^20041130^EAGLE PACE^D^TOTAL SECTOR^P".