Pricing Report Data Map Table
Element | Value Type | DB Name | DB Table | DB Field | Xpath |
objectType | ObjectTypeEnum | not stored in DB | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/objectType | ||
objectId | ObjectId | not stored in DB | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/objectId | ||
objectDescription | FeedTypeEnum | not stored in DB | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/objectDescription | ||
updateTimestamp | date |
| EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/updateTimestamp |
updateSource | string |
| EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/updateSource |
tagNochangecase | string | not stored in DB | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/tagNochangecase | ||
reportType | string | not stored in DB | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/reportType | ||
sourceName | string | PACE_MASTERDBO | INTERFACES | SHORT_DESC | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/sourceName |
EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/ | |||||
EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/ | |||||
EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/ | |||||
effectiveDate | date |
| EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/effectiveDate |
exchangeCode | string | RULESDBO | PRICE_RULE_SECURITIES | EXCHANGE_CODE | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/exchangeCode |
longShortIndicator | LongShortIndicatorEnum | HOLDINGDBO | POSITION_DETAIL | LONG_SHORT_IND | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/longShortIndicator |
price | decimal | HOLDINGDBO | POSITION_DETAIL | PRICE | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/price |
priceType | string | PACE_MASTERDBO | PACE_INV_FIELDS | FIELD_DESCRIPTION | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/priceType |
priceSource | string | Short name of vendor or original source of applied price for the effective date | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/priceSource | ||
priceSourceDescription | string | PACE_MASTERDBO | INTERFACES | LONG_DESC | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/priceSourceDescription |
bidPrice | decimal | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_BID | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/bidPrice |
midPrice | decimal | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_MID | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/midPrice |
askPrice | decimal | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_ASK | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/askPrice |
priorPrice | decimal | ESTAR | ESTAR_PORTFOLIO_VALUATION | PRIOR_PRICE | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/priorPrice |
lastChangeDate | date | ESTAR | ESTAR_PORTFOLIO_VALUATION | LAST_CHANGE_DATE | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/lastChangeDate |
pricePercentChange | decimal | ESTAR | ESTAR_PORTFOLIO_VALUATION | NAV_IMPACT_PCT_CHG | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/pricePercentChange |
primarySourceName | string | PACE_MASTERDBO | INTERFACES | SHORT_DESC | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/primarySourceName |
primarySourceDescription | string | PACE_MASTERDBO | INTERFACES | LONG_DESC | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/primarySourceDescription |
primaryPrice | decimal | RULESDBO | PRICE_RULE_SECURITIES | CURRENT_VALUE | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/primaryPrice |
primaryPriceType | string | PACE_MASTERDBO | PACE_INV_FIELDS | FIELD_DESCRIPTION | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/primaryPriceType |
secondarySourceName | string | PACE_MASTERDBO | INTERFACES | SHORT_DESC | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/secondarySourceName |
secondarySourceDescription | string | PACE_MASTERDBO | INTERFACES | LONG_DESC | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/secondarySourceDescription |
secondaryPrice | decimal | RULESDBO | PRICE_RULE_SECURITIES | CURRENT_VALUE | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/secondaryPrice |
secondaryPriceType | string | PACE_MASTERDBO | PACE_INV_FIELDS | FIELD_DESCRIPTION | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/secondaryPriceType |
parentCompositeId | string | RULESDBO | ENTITY_EXTENSION | USER_CHAR1 | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/parentCompositeId |
parentCompositeName | string | RULESDBO | ENTITY | ENTITY_NAME | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/parentCompositeName |
activePriceSourceName | string | PACE_MASTERDBO | INTERFACES | SHORT_DESC | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/activePriceSourceName |
activePriceSourceDescription | string | PACE_MASTERDBO | INTERFACES | LONG_DESC | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/activePriceSourceDescription |
fxSourceName | string | PACE_MASTERDBO | INTERFACES | SHORT_DESC | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/fxSourceName |
fxSourceDescription | string | PACE_MASTERDBO | INTERFACES | LONG_DESC | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/fxSourceDescription |
targetSourceName | string | PACE_MASTERDBO | INTERFACES | SHORT_DESC | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/targetSourceName |
targetSourceDescription | string | PACE_MASTERDBO | INTERFACES | LONG_DESC | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/targetSourceDescription |
priceVolume | decimal | SECURITYDBO | PRICE_EXCHANGE | PX_VOLUME | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/priceVolume |
priceHierarchyRuleName | string | RULESDBO | PRICE_SOURCE_HIERARCHY_RULE | NAME | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/priceHierarchyRuleName |
priceStatusDetail | string | Concatenated field that provides details of the pricing validations run for an effective date | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/priceStatusDetail | ||
priceLevel | integer |
| EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/priceLevel |
levelComments | string | RULESDBO | PRICE_STATUS | PRICE_LEVEL_COMMENTS | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/levelComments |
reason | integer | RULESDBO | PRICE_STATUS | REASON | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/reason |
comments | string | RULESDBO | FIELD_ATTRIBUTES | COMMENTS | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/comments |
marketDate | date | RULESDBO | PRICE_RULES_SECURITIES | MARKET_DATE | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/marketDate |
marketDaysStale | integer | RULESDBO | PRICE_RULES_SECURITIES | MARKET_DAYS_STALE | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/marketDaysStale |
finalValidationStatus | integer | RULESDBO | PRICE_RULE_SECURITIES | FINAL_VALIDATION_STATUS | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/finalValidationStatus |
finalValidationStatusDescription | string | RULESDBO | PRICE_EDITS | SHORT_DESC | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/finalValidationStatusDescription |
sourceDetail | string | RULESDBO | PRICE_RULE_SECURITIES | SOURCE_DETAIL | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/sourceDetail |
priceCondition | string | RULESDBO | PRICE_RULE_SECURITIES | PRICE_CONDITION | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/priceCondition |
daysPriceUnchanged | integer | RULESDBO | PRICE_RULE_SECURITIES | DAYS_UNCHANGED | EagleML/accountingTransaction/pricingReport/daysPriceUnchanged |