About Task Acknowledgement (ACK) Messages

The Run Task Request can be either acknowledged or rejected by server. The message sent back to user has the following structure:

Elements of XML


 xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.eagleinvsys.com/2011/EagleML-2-0 eagleml-main-2-0.xsd"

Root Node. Its content is fixed


Message Header section.

messageId node must be unique

sentBy is a constant

sentTo is a constant

creationTimestamp – message generation time


Task Identifier section.

correlationId is a required node and must be unique

businessTaskId is a required node and should describe the task. It can be a constant


Task EJM status. If the value is “true”, current EJM Task is not started and the failure reason is described in the next section.

    <description>Attempt to insert duplicate correlation ID 'RPT_20141130'. The value has been adjusted to 'RPT_20141130_DUP1'.</description>

Reason Section.

reasonTypeEnum is a constant

reasonCode is a number, representing error code

description contains error details

The most important elements are <isNegative> and <reason>, as they carry the information about acknowledgement status and the reason for its rejection in case it was rejected.