EagleML API Client - Example of Use (Sync)
In this example, we launch the EagleMLAPI Client in synchronous mode generating RTR from the command line.
RTR is formed from this query:
Metrics are have additional logging in metricsDir folder
Extracted data is saved to results folder
All necessary libraries required for the process are in the lib folder
To start execution we create runapitestSync.cmd file with the following contents:
set EAGLEAPIPASS=[PASS] java -jar lib/eaglemlapiclient-2.1.9.jar -data="EN|EN|ActionType;EXTRACT;StreamName;eagle_ml-2-0_default_out_q;FeedType;ENTITYEXTRACT;maxrows;10;" -execution=sync -endpoint=https://[REGION]/EagleMLWebService20 -login=[LOGIN] -resultsdir=results -csvmetricsdir=metricsdir
To set IP address to receive response use (port is optional, any available port is used if value is not set):
This is how a working folder for such parameters should look like:
Run runapitestSync.cmd:
A RunTaskRequest with task parameters from the -data command has been created with corrId EN_LYQMQAFV6LJA:
askStatusResponse with SUCCESS status arrived:
Extract file has been unzipped and saved to results folder:
This extract process can be also examined via Message Center Console:
The RTR created by EagleML API client in MCC:
results folder:
Data extract file has been received and saved to the appropriate folder.