Generic Load Enrichment Issue Identification
There is 1 known possible behavior which can prevent normal processing of the Generic Load Enrichment workflow:
Generic Load Enrichment Workflow is hung
How to identify:
There are more than 1 executed and hung instances of 'generic_load_enrichment' workflow.
This can be checked in EJM Tasks in Message Center Console tool or in Automation Center in the 'Monitor' section.
You can tell this is an issue by seeing more than 1 entry of this workflow with a green ½ arrow (Figure 1).Figure 1: generic_load_enrichment hung
AND (in case the Generic Load Enrichment Workflow was executed as a part of New Security Workflow process by Eagle Default Nuggetizer)All 'eagle_default_nuggetizer' successfully completed.
This can be checked in EJM Tasks in Message Center Console tool or in Automation Center in the 'Monitor' section. (Figure 2).Figure 2: eagle_default_nuggetizer completed