Warehouse NAV Stored Procedure Error Descriptions

Warehouse NAV Stored Procedure Error Descriptions





Error, Incoming Fund Id(entity_id) is missing.

Empty field "entityId"

Error, Incoming Effective Date is missing.

Empty field "effectiveDate"

Error, Source cannot be missing.

Empty field "sourceName"

Error, Incoming NAV is NULL or 0 on new insert.

Empty field "navPerShare"

Error, Invalid Source [' || in_src_intfc_desc || '].

Cannot find instance info in "pace_masterdbo.interfaces" table. No "short_desc" DB field has value specified in "sourceName" field

Error, Income Reinvest Date [20150101 ] is earlier than current Effective Date [20150202]

The value in "incReinvestDate" field is not null and less than in "effectiveDate"

Error, TE Income Reinvest Date [20150101] is earlier than current Effective Date [20150202]

The value in "teIncReinvestDate" field is not null and less than in "effectiveDate"

Error, Qual Income Reinvest Date [20150101] is earlier than current Effective Date [20150202]

The value in "qualIncReinvDate" field is not null and less than in "effectiveDate"

Error, Supplemental Income Reinvest Date [20150101] is earlier than current Effective Date [20150202]

The value in "suppIncReinvestDate" field is not null and less than in "effectiveDate"

Error, Short Term Cap Gain Reinvest Date [20150101] is earlier than current Effective Date [20150202]

The value in "stcgReinvestDate" field is not null and less than in "effectiveDate"

Error, Mid Term Cap Gain Reinvest Date [20150101] is earlier than current Effective Date [20150202]

The value in "mtcgReinvestDate" field is not null and less than in "effectiveDate"

Error, Long Term Cap Gain Reinvest Date [20150101] is earlier than current Effective Date [20150202]

The value in "ltcgReinvestDate" field is not null and less than in "effectiveDate"

Error, Return of Capital Reinvest Date [20150101] is earlier than current Effective Date [20150202]

The value in "retcapReinvestDate" field is not null and less than in "effectiveDate"

Error, Daily Expense Reinvest Date [20150101] is earlier than current Effective Date [20150202]

The value in "expenseReinvestDate" field is not null and less than in "effectiveDate"

Error, Daily Expense Waiver Accrual Reinvest Date [20150101] is earlier than current Effective Date [20150202]

The value in "waiverReinvestDate" field is not null and less than in "effectiveDate"

Error, Market Discount Income Reinvest Date [20150101] is earlier than current Effective Date [20150202]

The value in "marketDiscIncReinvestDate" field is not null and less than in "effectiveDate"

Error, Taxable Repo Interest Reinvest Date [20150101] is earlier than current Effective Date [20150202]

The value in "taxableRepoReinvestDate" field is not null and less than in "effectiveDate"

Error, Foreign Tax Credit Reinvest Date [20150101] is earlier than current Effective Date [20150202]

The value in "foreignTaxReinvestDate" field is not null and less than in "effectiveDate"

Error, Section 1250 Reinvest Date [20150101] is earlier than current Effective Date [20150202]

The value in "userDate2" field is not null and less than in "effectiveDate"

Error, Qual STCG Reinvest Date [20150101] is earlier than current Effective Date [20150202]

The value in "qualStcgReinvDate" field is not null and less than in "effectiveDate"

Error, Gross Dist Reinvest Date [20150101] is earlier than current Effective Date [20150202]

The value in "grossDistributionReinvDate" field is not null and less than in "effectiveDate"

Error, Retained Cap Gain Reinvest Date [20150101] is earlier than current Effective Date [20150202]

The value in "userDate3" field is not null and less than in "effectiveDate"

Error, Invalid Entity ID [' || in_entity_id || '].

Cannot find entity in "rulesdbo.entity" table. No "entity_id" DB field has value specified in "entityId" field

Error, Entity [' || in_entity_id || '] has not been set up in entity_extension_hist table.

Cannot find extension history in "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table.


1) No "entity_id" DB field has value specified in "entityId" field

2) "effective_date" DB field maximum value for specified "entity_id" is not less than "effectiveDate" field

Error, the split ratio cannot be NULL or 0.

Empty field "splitRatio"

Error: Shares Outstanding is NULL or 0.00.

Empty field "sharesOutstanding" while "expenseAmountTotal" and "expenseAmountPerShare" fields are not empty

Error: Shares Outstanding is NULL or 0.00.

Empty field "sharesOutstanding" while "waiverAmountTotal" and "waiverAmountPerShare" fields are not empty

Error, Reinvestment dates must be provided on the incoming message.

The field "mfp_distribution_type" value from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table is null while "incAmountPerShare" and "incReinvestDate" fields are not empty

Error, Reinvestment dates must be provided on the incoming message.

The field "mfp_distribution_type" value from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table is null while "teIncAmounPerShare" and "teIncReinvestDate" fields are not empty

Error, Reinvestment dates must be provided on the incoming message.

The field "mfp_distribution_type" value from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table is null while "qualIncPerShare" and "qualIncReinvDate" fields are not empty

Error, Reinvestment dates must be provided on the incoming message.

The field "mfp_distribution_type" value from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table is null while "suppIncAmountPerShare" and "suppIncReinvestDate" fields are not empty

Error, Reinvestment dates must be provided on the incoming message.

The field "mfp_distribution_type" value from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table is null while "stcgAmountPerShare" and "stcgReinvestDate" fields are not empty

Error, Reinvestment dates must be provided on the incoming message.

The field "mfp_distribution_type" value from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table is null while "mtcgAmountPserShare" and "mtcgReinvestDate" fields are not empty

Error, Reinvestment dates must be provided on the incoming message.

The field "mfp_distribution_type" value from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table is null while "ltcgAmountPerShare" and "ltcgReinvestDate" fields are not empty

Error, Reinvestment dates must be provided on the incoming message.

The field "mfp_distribution_type" value from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table is null while "retcapAmountPerShare" and "retcapReinvestDate" fields are not empty

Error, Reinvestment dates must be provided on the incoming message.

The field "mfp_distribution_type" value from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table is null while "expenseAmountPerShare" and "expenseReinvestDate" fields are not empty

Error, Reinvestment dates must be provided on the incoming message.

The field "mfp_distribution_type" value from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table is null while "waiverAmountPerShare" and "waiverReinvestDate" fields are not empty

Error, Reinvestment dates must be provided on the incoming message.

The field "mfp_distribution_type" value from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table is null while "marketDiscIncPerShare" and "marketDiscIncReinvestDate" fields are not empty

Error, Reinvestment dates must be provided on the incoming message.

The field "mfp_distribution_type" value from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table is null while "taxableRepoPerShare" and "taxableRepoReinvestDate" fields are not empty

Error, Reinvestment dates must be provided on the incoming message.

The field "mfp_distribution_type" value from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table is null while "foreignTaxPerShare" and "foreignTaxReinvestDate" fields are not empty

Error, Reinvestment dates must be provided on the incoming message.

The field "mfp_distribution_type" value from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table is null while "userDecimal2" and "userDate2" fields are not empty

Error, Reinvestment dates must be provided on the incoming message.

The field "mfp_distribution_type" value from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table is null while "qualStcgPerShare" and "qualStcgReinvDate" fields are not empty

Error, Reinvestment dates must be provided on the incoming message.

The field "mfp_distribution_type" value from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table is null while "grossDistributionPerShare" and "grossDistributionReinvDate" fields are not empty

Error, Reinvestment dates must be provided on the incoming message.

The field "mfp_distribution_type" value from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table is null while "userDecimal3" and "userDate3" fields are not empty

Error, There are no future business days for business calendar with source instance ['|| l_mfp_spread_calendar || '].

Cannot find the business date in "pace_masterdbo.business_calendar" table while "src_intfc_inst" and "mfp_spread_method" fields from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table are not null.


1) No "src_intfc_inst" DB field has value specified in "mfp_spread_calendar" field from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table

2) "effectiveDate" field is greater than "business_date" DB field

3) daily_flag doesn't equal "1"

Error, There are no future business days for business calendar with source instance ['|| l_mfp_spread_calendar || '].

Empty "business_date" DB field in "pace_masterdbo.business_calendar" table while "src_intfc_inst" and "mfp_spread_method" fields from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table are not null

Error, There are more than 45 missing business days for business calendar with source instance ['|| l_mfp_spread_calendar || '].

A different between "business_date" DB field from "pace_masterdbo.business_calendar" table and "effectiveDate" field is greater than 45

Attempt to insert duplicate key into NAV table.

Cannot insert data with existing key fileds values. The key consists of "entityId", "effective_date" and "sourceName" fields

Error, There are no future business days for business calendar with source instance [' || l_mfp_spread_calendar || '].

Cannot find business date in "pace_masterdbo.business_calendar" table while "mfp_spread_calendar" field from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table is not null and "mfp_spread_method" = 1.


1) No "src_intfc_inst" DB field has value specified in "mfp_spread_calendar" field from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table

2) "effectiveDate" field is greater than "business_date" DB field

3) daily_flag doesn't equal "1"

Error, There are no future business days for business calendar with source instance [' || l_mfp_spread_calendar || '].

Empty "business_date" DB field in "pace_masterdbo.business_calendar" table while "mfp_spread_calendar" field from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table is not null and "mfp_spread_method" = 1

Error, There are no future business days for business calendar with source instance ['|| l_mfp_spread_calendar || '].

Cannot find business date in "pace_masterdbo.business_calendar" table while "mfp_spread_calendar" field from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table is not null and "mfp_spread_method" = 2.


1) No "src_intfc_inst" DB field has value specified in "mfp_spread_calendar" field from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table

2) "effectiveDate" field is greater than "business_date" DB field

3) daily_flag doesn't equal "1"

Error, There are no future business days for business calendar with source instance [' || l_mfp_spread_calendar || '].

Empty "business_date" DB field in "pace_masterdbo.business_calendar" table while "mfp_spread_calendar" field from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table is not null and "mfp_spread_method" = 2

Error, no business calendar set up.

Cannot find business date in "pace_masterdbo.business_calendar" table while "effectiveDate"+1 is less than "business_date" DB field in "pace_masterdbo.business_calendar" table.


1) No "src_intfc_inst" DB field has value specified in "mfp_spread_calendar" field from "rulesdbo.entity_extension_hist" table

2) "effectiveDate" field is not greater than "business_date" DB field

3) daily_flag doesn't equal "1"

Error, no business calendar set up.

Empty "business_date" DB field in "pace_masterdbo.business_calendar" table while "effectiveDate"+1 is less than "business_date" DB field in "pace_masterdbo.business_calendar" table