Understand Eagle Centers

Understand Eagle Centers

In the Eagle product suite, an Eagle center groups together Eagle components with related functionality. A center also provides a toolbox based on the specific role and functions that you need to perform every day. All Eagle center windows contain similar elements to help you perform tasks more efficiently.

Eagle Center workspace

Eagle Center Window Elements

The following are common elements in all Eagle center windows: Click a link to learn more about the item. 





Navigator Button

The Eagle Navigator icon is available from any Eagle window to allow you quickly search and access Eagle centers, applications, and panels.

Left Navigation

These links enable you to launch specific workspaces within a center. You can open or close the left navigation pane by clicking the expand/collapse arrow.


 A command bar with a set of icons to enable you to perform a variety of functions relevant to the program. The actions on the ribbon are organized into toolbar groups and are enabled or disabled based on the Eagle center context.

Define a Search

Click the expand arrow to open the Search pane where you can set parameters to filter results. You can save the settings for future searches


Allows you to display or edit data in an Eagle center window. The underlying grid technology enables you to view and sort data in many ways.

Workspace Tabs

Tabs enable you to keep multiple workspaces open at the same time. You can access any workspace that you have already visited without having to close the current workspace. To close a workspace, click X to the right of the tab label.

Zoom slider

Move the slider to adjust the magnification of the window displayed. You can also choose 50%, 75%, or 100% from a drop-down list.

Communication Bar

Displays system notifications such as the number of records returned by a search. The Communication Bar also displays the status of an Eagle center process. The default status is Ready. 

Process Status Icon

Hover over the icon to display a list of currently active systems running. Green means the engine is running, Yellow means there is a potential issue with the engine. Red means the engine has stopped.