Report on Private Equity

The Eagle Accounting report package can provide specialized information for private equity processed using the Capital Based Fund Investment workflow.

Use STAR to PACE Direct with Private Equity

If you use Eagle Accounting along with Eagle Performance and use STAR to PACE Direct, STAR to PACE Direct uses the STAR_PERF_FLOW code category values during processing. A STAR_PERF_FLOW code applies to the private equity events. For more information, see About STAR_PERF_FLOW Code Values.

Use the Holdings Report with Private Equity

The Holdings report’s Show All results set includes the following fields added for private equity positions. The following fields were added to the Position and Lot level position for LPCASH, LPCAP, and LPCLOSE event types:

  • COMMITMENT (tag 16086). Total commitment toward a partnership, joint venture or limited liability company.

  • COMMITMENT_B (tag 18392). Private equity commitment amount base.

  • FUNDED_CAPITAL_L (tag 18386). Private equity capital amount local.

  • FUNDED_CAPITAL_B (tag 18387). Private equity capital amount base.

  • UNFUNDED_COMMITMENT_L (tag 18388). Private equity unfunded amount local.

  • UNFUNDED_COMMITMENT_B (tag 18389). Private equity unfunded amount base.

  • RECALLABLE_CAPITAL_L (tag 18390). Private equity recallable amount local.

  • RECALLABLE_CAPITAL_B (tag 18391). Private equity recallable amount base.

  • CAPITAL_CALLS_B (tag 18449). Sum of private equity calls base amount.

  • CAPITAL_CALLS_L (tag 18450). Sum of private equity calls local amount.

To add the Private Equity tab to the Holdings report, in the Advanced Report Options Detail Tab Selection section, set the Private Equity field to Yes.

For general information about this report, see .

Use the Portfolio Valuation Report with Private Equity

The Portfolio Valuation report’s Show All results set includes the following fields added for private equity positions. The following fields were added to the Position and Lot level position for LPCASH, LPCAP, and LPCLOSE event types:

  • COMMITMENT (tag 16086). Total commitment toward a partnership, joint venture or limited liability company.

  • COMMITMENT_B (tag 18392). Private equity commitment amount base.

  • FUNDED_CAPITAL_L (tag 18386). Private equity capital amount local.

  • FUNDED_CAPITAL_B (tag 18387). Private equity capital amount base.

  • UNFUNDED_COMMITMENT_L (tag 18388). Private equity unfunded amount local.

  • UNFUNDED_COMMITMENT_B (tag 18389). Private equity unfunded amount base.

  • RECALLABLE_CAPITAL_L (tag 18390). Private equity recallable amount local.

  • RECALLABLE_CAPITAL_B (tag 18391). Private equity recallable amount base.

  • CAPITAL_CALLS_B (tag 18449). Sum of private equity calls base amount.

  • CAPITAL_CALLS_L (tag 18450). Sum of private equity calls local amount.

To add the Private Equity tab to the Portfolio Valuation report, in the Advanced Report Options Detail Tab Selection section, set the Private Equity field to Yes.

For general information about this report, see .

Use the Trade Activity Report with Private Equity

The Trade Activity report’s Show All results set includes the following fields added for private equity positions. They are also available in the Trade Table Query.

The following fields were added for LPCASH, LPCAP, and LPCLOSE event types:

  • COMMITMENT (tag 16086). Total commitment toward a partnership, joint venture or limited liability company.

  • COMMITMENT_B (tag 18392). Private equity commitment amount base.

  • FUNDED_CAPITAL_L (tag 18386). Private equity capital amount local.

  • FUNDED_CAPITAL_B (tag 18387). Private equity capital amount base.

  • UNFUNDED_COMMITMENT_L (tag 18388). Private equity unfunded amount local.

  • UNFUNDED_COMMITMENT_B (tag 18389). Private equity unfunded amount base.

  • RECALLABLE_CAPITAL_L (tag 18390). Private equity recallable amount local.

  • RECALLABLE_CAPITAL_B (tag 18391). Private equity recallable amount base.

  • CAPITAL_CALLS_B (tag 18449). Sum of private equity calls base amount.

  • CAPITAL_CALLS_L (tag 18450). Sum of private equity calls local amount.

  • GAIN_LOSS_SEC_ID_L (tag 171). Gain/Loss Security Identified Local.

  • GAIN_LOSS_SEC_ID_B (tag 175). Gain/Loss Security Identified Base.

  • LP_INCOME_LOCAL (tag 11076). Limited Partnership Income Local.

  • LP_INCOME_BASE (tag 11077). Limited Partnership Income Base.

  • LP_EXPENSE_LOCAL (tag 11078). Limited Partnership Expense Local.

  • LP_EXPENSE_BASE (tag 11079). Limited Partnership Expense Base.

To add the Trade Activity tab to the Portfolio Valuation report, in the Advanced Report Options Detail Tab Selection section, set the Private Equity field to Yes.

For general information about this report, see .