Holdings Report

The Holdings report displays the position records for a given entity and date for securities and underlying securities. You can select position level or lot level information. You can view securities with underlying securities and/or select securities with other than temporary impairments (OTTI).

Advanced report views available for this report include:

  • Summary. This view displays position/lot information and local and base amortized and original cost values.

  • Detail. This view displays holdings with additional security details.

  • Detail 1. This view displays holdings with additional holdings details.

  • Holdings with Underlying Securities. This view displays detailed information for underlying securities, including term loan details and Buy Sellback and Sell Buyback security types.

  • Holdings with Impairments. This view displays holdings in securities with other-than-temporary impairments (OTTI).

  • Futures. This view displays holdings in futures.

  • Detail with ECL. This view displays holdings with Original Cost, Amortized Cost, and Amortized Cost after ECL.

  • Impairments with ECL. This view displays Amortized Cost and Amortized Cost After ECL along with additional Impairment, Non-Credit Impairment, and Expected Credit Loss postings.

  • Private Equity. This view displays holdings with Amortized Cost, Total Commitment, Funded Commitment, Unfunded Commitment, Capital Calls, and Recallable Capital.

To create the Holdings report:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Reports > Investment Accounting Reports > Positions > Holdings Report. 
    You see the Holdings Report panel.

  2. Complete the options on the Holdings Report panel.

  3. Under Result Options, click Grid or Advanced Report for the report view you want.

  4. Click Submit.
    The report appears on your desktop for the view selected.

Holdings Report Panel Options

A definition of the options on the Holdings Report panel follows.





Search Criteria


Entity ID

Specifies a portfolio, sector portfolio, composite portfolio, or Master Fund by the entity ID of the entity.

Entity Name

Specifies a portfolio, sector portfolio, composite portfolio, or Master Fund by name of the entity.

Accounting Basis

Specifies the entity accounting basis. For example, USTAX, GAAP, or IFRS.

Detail Selection

Specifies the level of the holdings. Options include:

  • Position Level (Default)

  • Lot level

Report Type

Specifies the type of date for controlling your report results. Options include:

  • Accounting Date (Default)

  • Month End Date

  • Post Date

  • Settlement Date

  • Trade Date

Fund Valuation View Option

Identifies the type of position valuation to use in the Eagle data warehouse. Options include: 

  • Default. Default value. Applies to normal position valuation. 

  • Performance NAV. Applies to position valuation when you use Performance NAV processing with the Eagle mutual fund accounting solution. If you select this option, ensure you set the Date Type field to Accounting Date. 

  • Bid NAV. (For future use)

  • Ask NAV. (For future use)

  • Mid NAV. (For future use)

Data Effective Date

Determines which date the report uses to pull the Eagle data warehouse data. This option applies to weekend/holiday report runs. If you set Report Type to Accounting Date or to Month End Date, the field becomes available and you can select either value. However, if you set Report Type to another value, the system hides this field and assigns it a value of Most Recent Warehouse Date. Options include:

  • Last Business/ Earn Thru Date (E). Default. The report uses the last business / earn thru date to pull Eagle data warehouse data. You can select this value only if you set Report Type to Accounting Date or to Month End Date.

  • Most Recent Warehouse Date (W). The report uses the most recent Eagle data warehouse push date to pull Eagle data warehouse data.

Report Date

Specifies the position date for your report results. The default is today's date.

Display Zero Holdings

Allows you to filter zero holdings. Default is No.

Report View

Allows you to select the report view for your report results. Options include:

  • Traded Cash View (Default)

  • Settled Cash View

  • Exclude Cash View

Entity Base Currency

Displays the base currency of the selected entity.

Report Base Currency

Specifies the base currency for your report results.

Syncsend Engine Router

(Hidden) Indicates whether the system uses the Accounting engine or a report service to process the report results. Options include:

  • RPT. Default. If you enable use of report services, the system processes the panel using the related report service. Report services offer improved report performance. Otherwise, if you do not enable use of report services, the system processes the panel using the Accounting engine.

  • Null value or a value other than RPT. The system processes the panel using the Accounting engine.

Selection Criteria


Report Filters

Allows you to show/hide additional report and securities filters. The default is No.

Advanced Report Options

Allows you to show/hide advanced report, group, sort, and format options. The default is No.

Report Filters / Security Filter


Filter Security By

Allows you to show/hide additional report filters. Options include:

  • Security Cross Reference (Default). If you select this option the panel unhides the Xref Type and Xref Security ID fields for data entry.

  • Issue Name. Is you select this option, the panel unhides the Issue Name field for data entry.

  • Primary Asset ID. If you select this option, the panel unhides the Primary Asset ID field for data entry.

Others Filters

You can filter results using other filters. Options include:

  • Long Short

  • Asset Currency

  • Investment Type

  • Security Type

  • Processing Security Type

  • Issue Country

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